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天机不可泄漏,我只能讲这么多了。This is as far as I can tell you.

最后,天机给泄漏出来了。Finally the cat was let out of the bag.

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这是大自然的玩笑,很少有人窥破天机。It is one of nature's tricks, little understood,that each day

在天机的世界里,一切皆有可能!In the world of the secrets of heaven, everything all probably!

其他引人注目的问题都蒙混过关了,仅仅这点小事泄露了天机。Other remarkable news was passed and barely a drop of ink was spilled.

但不要指望别人向你泄露天机——你需要自己去发现。But don't expect anyone to tip you off—you have to look around for yourself.

我想,几缕泄漏天机的氙气,将对我们的寻找大有帮助。I expect that a few telltale wisps of xenon could aid immensely in this search.

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荣欲向翠表明身分,被一以泄漏天机阻止。Honor to cui shows that identity, to a to let the cat out of the bag to prevent.

今天我学会控制情绪,这是大自然的玩笑,很少有人窥破天机。Today I will be master of my emotions. It's one of the nature's tricks, little understand.

然而,若是天机泄露,那么良多他经常一再的故事很快听起来就有点浮泛了。If truth be known, though, many of his oft repeated stories soon began to ring a little hollow.

元宝、董永和浩淇追问土地公上天庭的方法,土地公不愿泄漏天机。Dong Yong and his friends beg the Earth God for the way to go to the celestial palace, to no avail.

什么是真的你比谁都清晰,是因为声音泄漏了天机。What is whom you are compared to really all limpid , is a secret because of sound has been disclosed.

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她的幽默感总是可以使你整天都感到非常开心,而她智慧的话语更是能道破天机。Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.

这是我第二次来这里住了,其实挺不愿意写这篇评论的,因为我感觉这像是在泄露天机一样。This was my second visit here and I'm reluctant to write this review only because I feel like I am letting the cat out of the bag.

相信占星术和外星人的人们可能会认为黑洞吞噬中子星,别有天机。People who believe in astrology or aliens may look for hidden meaning in this model of a black hole sucking neutron stars into its maw.

二是真正的商机,不能乱说,天机不可泄漏,人人都认为是商机的时候它就不再是商机了。Two is a real business, not talk nonsense, a top secret, everyone thinks is business chance when it is no longer business opportunities.

面对霸道的凤羽和一脸正色的龙琦,天机道长等人只是一脸怒气。Long Qi who faces overbearing Feng feather and 1 face positive color, the mysteries of heaven way long etc. person is just one face rage.

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我们无需急于窥视天机,只要耐性等候上帝的时候,知道主必掌管明天,虽然我对未来一无所知,但上帝知道一切。This day it is not for me to pry into my LORD's secrets but patiently to wait His time, knowing this, that though I know nothing, my heavenly Father knows.

咱们无须急于窥视天机秘密,只要耐性等待天主的时辰,懂患上主必执掌明天,虽则我对于将来全无所闻,但天主懂患上一切。Thellos day it is not for me to pry into my LORD's secrets but patiently to wait His time, knowing thellos, that though I know nothellong, my heavenly Father knows.

别动,虽然我泄露了天机,灾灾难免,可这是我命中注定,就算我要冒天大的危险,也要给你看个全相。Do not move, although I revealed secret, calamity disaster hard to avoid, but this is me fated, calculate me to want to risk extremely big danger, also want to see a complete look to you.