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胜利在望。Victory is in sight.

丰收在望。A bumper harvest is in sight.

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其治愈实际上已成功在望。The cures are actually in sight.

那着名的荷花池已经在望。The famous lily pond 's In sight.

那著名的荷花池已经在望。The famous lily pond 's in sight.

那著名的荷花池已经在望。The famous lily pond is in sight.

父亲,我们已经胜利在望了。Father, we are on the cusp of victory.

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各种迹象表明丰收在望。Indications point toward a bumper crop.

大雁塔隐隐在望。The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible.

尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。Despite the drought, we expect a good crop.

今年桃子丰收在望。The peach trees promise a rich crop this year.

在望楚山腰,终于看到几处秋景。In Chu Mountain's waist, finally saw a few trees.

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胜利已在望,因此我们应继续战斗。Victory is at hand, so we should keep on fighting.

丰收在望,我们满怀喜悦。With a bumper harvest in sight, joy reigned over us.

菲利普•拉金仅凭借几首诗就早已名声在望。Philip Larkin's fame could rest on a dozen poems alone.

在望海长廊里你可以观赏到北戴河的全景。The Seaside Corridor affords a panoramic view of Beidaihe.

他那衰老的脸,惨白而悲哀,仿佛仍在望天空。His aged head, pale and sad, seemed to be gazing at the sky.

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港口在望,我听见钟声在响,人们都在欢呼。The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting.

来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人感到胜利在望。Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.

来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人预感到胜利在望。Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.