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肉豆蔻、肉豆蔻衣及豆蔻。Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms.

橙花和豆蔻的阵阵香气Odours of orange-flowers and spice

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彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。Years cardamom, who made who The end of life.

有肉桂,豆蔻和咖啡的余味。End with the flavour of cassia, cardamom and coffee.

我们要采购豆蔻,辣椒粉,孜然,罗望子。We want to buy Cardamom, Chilli Powder, Cumin, Tamarind.

热苹果酒则通常加入肉桂和豆蔻调味。The hot apple cider is usually spiced up with cinnamon and nutmeg.

采购产品油黑胡椒,香菜,洋葱,辣椒,豆蔻,大蒜,生姜。Oils of Black Pepper, Coriander, Onion, Hot Pepper, Cardamom, Garlic, Ginger.

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由公元前3000年,姜黄,豆蔻,黑胡椒和芥末收获了印度。By 3000 BC, turmeric, cardamom, black pepper and mustard were harvested in India.

向来缘浅,奈何情深。彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。Always shallow edge, to love. That year of cardamom, who made who the end of life.

这种甜品,散发着绝妙气味的豆蔻与幼滑的牛奶蛋羹完美地组合在一起,浇上焦糖的柑橘散发着的芬芳让这道菜赏心悦目,比它的美味还要更胜一筹。The sweet, subtle scent of the cardamom pairs wonderfully with the smooth egg custard.

这时,锅内有食盐、花椒、茴香、大料、干姜、肉桂、豆蔻等作料调成的汤。At this time, a pot of salt, pepper, fennel, Da Liaother condiments tune into the soup.

柠檬酱与熏衣草的芬芳与橡木桶带来的些许麦牙、豆蔻的香氛交织融合,颇为和谐。Lemon curd and lavender aromas, harmoniously integrate with oak hints of malt and nutmeg.

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他们擅长到据说能够贩卖木制豆蔻,也就是假的豆蔻给陌生人。So smart that it was said they could sell wooden, meaningforcefalse, nutmegs to strangers.

其他口味包括绿茶、生姜、酸梅、芝麻、山葵、丁香、豆蔻和南瓜等。Other flavors are green tea, ginger, sour plum, sesame, wasabi, clove, cardamom and pumpkin.

方法采用水蒸气蒸馏法从豆蔻仁中提取挥发油。METHODS The essential oil was extracted from alpiniakatat sumadai hayata by steam distillation.

根啤酒的酿酒商也可以使用像豆蔻香料,糖浆,桂皮,丁香和蜂蜜。Brewers who make root beer can also use flavorings like nutmeg, molasses, cinnamon, clove and honey.

在印度,人们把冰淇淋叫做“kulfi”,是在杏仁奶中加入豆蔻和玫瑰水调制而成的。加入炼乳和奶油会使制作时间缩短。In India, ice cream is called kulfi and made from almond milk flavored with cardamom and rose water.

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几个世纪以来,豆蔻一直被用于清洁牙齿、制作香水,甚至用作治疗肥胖的药物。Over the centuries cardamom has been used as a tooth cleaner, a perfume and even as a cure to obesity.

目的用气相色谱-质谱法对豆蔻仁挥发油进行化学成分的分析。OBJECTIVE To analyze the chemical components of the essential oil from fructus amomi rotundus by GC-MS.

常见香料姜黄,豆蔻,生姜,香菜,肉豆蔻和罂粟种子,这是混合在一起。Common spices are turmeric, cardamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg and poppy seed, which are blended together.