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士兵们占领了这座城池。The soldiers seized the city.

与敌人谈判的城市,等于一半被占领。A city that parleys is half gotten.

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只有格拉纳达仍未被占领。Granada has yet to be occupied only.

造反派占领了邮局。The rebels occupied the post office.

我们永远不会占领桌面。We will never take over the desktop.

我们可以找到他们,并占领他们。We can find one of them and occupy it.

她们占领了你的卧室,科琳。They’ve occupied your bedroom, Colleen.

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这是我们的国家,我们要占领它。This is our country. We will occupy it.

我们绝不会占领另一个国家。We do not seek to occupy other nations.

机场被敌军占领。The airfield was seized by enemy troops.

公元638年穆斯林人占领了耶路撒冷。In 638 the Moslems had captured Jerusalem.

红军占领永平后,开凿了两口新油井。Yung Ping the Reds sank two new oil wells.

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1941年,日本海军占领了这里。In 1941, the Japanese Navy commandeered it.

利比亚官立部队夺回被叛军占领的城市。Libyan gov't troops retake rebel-held town.

我想我会感到恐慌,预先占领。I would have been panicked and pre-occupied.

我想我现在知道为什么我们美国要占领伊拉克了。I think I know now why we are occupying Iraq.

在南方,德国人占领了塞瓦斯托波尔。In the south, the Germans captured Sevastopol.

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哇靠!A中队占领了一座碉堡!漂亮!Osean G Company A's captured an enemy pillbox!

沙漠地区的撒拉逊人占领了耶路撒冷。The Saracens of the desert captured Jerusalem.

服装市场被他们占领了。The clothing market has been captured by them.