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啊哈,看呀,这南瓜已千疮百孔了!Bha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!

比起千疮百孔,一无所有才更加不幸。Compared with holes, has nothing to more unfortunate.

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他把我的保险箱搞得千疮百孔了,但他依然没能把它打开。My safe has been honeycombed by him, but he didn't open it.

先用叉子把土豆戳得“千疮百孔”,再加热2分钟,取出。Prick the potatoes all over with a fork and cook for 2 minutes.

关键的基础设施如水、电等都已千疮百孔。Its infrastructure is crippled in critical areas like power and water.

能被你所爱,千疮百孔又何妨?可是,你却说我太完美。Can you love, in a disastrous state it? But, you said I was too perfect.

争吵、暗斗、猜疑都争着往上面钉上一个个铁钉,当铁钉全部撤去,留下的只是千疮百孔的墙。When all the nails were removed, only a wall with numerous holes would be left.

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观众们会知道,一个士兵即使在战火中身体毫发未伤,心灵却已是千疮百孔。Even if a soldier survives a war physically uninjured, he does not emerge intact.

生活就像是一张千疮百孔的网,把所有的激情都漏光了。Life is like a piece of net in a disastrous state, put all the passion to run out.

五年以来,我苦苦压抑自己对你的感情,这种折磨,已经让我千疮百孔,遍体鳞伤!The torture had made me thousands of holes in myself, cuts and bruises all over my body!

时间将治愈我们的哀痛---经济,即便它已千疮百孔,它仍有自己的运转周期。Time will heal our current woes -- the economy, even when it's in tatters, runs in cycles.

在我们微笑的面孔下面,谁知道我们的心变诚了怎样的千疮百孔。Smiles in us under the face, who knew that our heart changed the honest what kind of flaws.

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叶子也千疮百孔了,好些地方只剩黄黄的网状叶脉。The leave were full of holes and there were only yellow net-like nerves remaining in many places.

看到这种场景,我的朋友满心恐惧,担心那只一息尚存的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。Seeing this, my friend feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills.

韩国政府想极力向外国人推销南韩最混乱不堪、千疮百孔的大公司。The government is desperate to sell the most troubled of South Korea's big companies to foreigners.

刺猬拔掉了最后一根刺,千疮百孔,摇摇晃晃的走到玫瑰面前。Hedgehog stumbles to Rose after pulling out the last quill, leaving blood and wounds all over himself.

从加沙地带发出的巴勒斯坦火箭弹冲向了以色列的边境小镇Sderot,这个已经千疮百孔的地方。Palestinian rockets fired from the Gaza Strip crashed into the battered Israeli border town of Sderot.

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有些人相信,是科特迪瓦国家队使曾被内战撕得千疮百孔的“象牙海岸”团结起来。Some people also believe the Ivorian football team has helped unite a nation that was torn by civil war.

心已经千疮百孔,痛苦已蔓延全身,但依然还是不忘对她的承诺。Heart has been full of holes, the pain has spread the whole body, but still dont forget to promise to her.

射击者离开后,一名伊拉克警察发现这本被射得千疮百孔的古兰经。After the shooters left, an Iraqi policeman found a target marked in the middle of the bullet-riddled Quran.