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大明建文年制!较罕见的精品!Daming has four-year! Relatively rare fine!

守卫告诉建文太子在宫里。Tell the guards in the palace of Prince jianwen.

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建文帝并没有死,第二天早上起来,他还在寺中讲经呢。Next morning, he wakes up and preaches in the temple as usual.

宋建文的课程每次持续两个小时,他尽量坚持每周上两次课。Mr. Sung's classes last two hours and he tries to attend one twice a week.

二是封建文人,三是文人渣滓,四是进步的知识分子。They are "I" image, feudal literati, literati dregs and progressive intelligence.

上海设镇后,始建文庙,后来地址多有迁移。No sooner had Shanghai acquired its township status than it had its first Confucian Temple.

如果代码与单个文档紧密集成,则应创建文档级自定义项。If the code is tightly integrated with a single document, create a document-level customization.

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宋建文说,真正的训练是心境和精神方面的修炼,“它让你追求完美。”The real training, Mr. Sung says, is mental and spiritual. 'It makes you a perfectionist, ' he says.

宋建文痴迷于日本历史和日本古代冶金术,开始的时候只是想收集古代刀剑。Fascinated by Japanese history and ancient metallurgy, he initially just wanted to collect ancient swords.

这里我们提出了一个简单但有效的从两个或三个基因列表中创建文氏图的网络应用程序。Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.

容颜美丽的女子随文人才子私奔,体现了不同阶层的封建文人对浪漫爱情的渴望。Beautiful girl elopes with feudal scholars showing the desire for romantic love exiting in different hierarchy.

详细介绍了该项目的功能需求,以及建文EPC管理系统的解决方案。The author introduces function requirements of this project and solutions of Jianwen EPC management system in detail.

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明代巡抚制度萌芽于建文时,基本确立于宣德时期。The governor-inspector system of Ming originates in the Jian-wen imperial and is basically established in the "Xuan-de period".

但建文帝失败后,江南地主又遭到大肆打击,永乐迁都北京后,大力扶持北方地主的发展。However, they were retaliated after Emperor Yongle replaced Emper or Jianwen, and the northern landlords were supported to develop.

元数据可以用于创建文档,跟踪代码中的依赖性,甚至执行基本编译时检查。Metadata can be used to create documentation, to track down dependencies in code, and even to perform rudimentary compile-time checking.

虽然,很多地方不适合宋建文挥刀练习──练习必须要一个顶棚空间很高、不会有人贸然闯入的房间。Mr. Sung can't practice using his sword in many places─a room with a high ceiling with no chance of a person intruding is absolutely required.

罗建文七段对柁嘉熹弃子围空之前准确的形势判断称赞有加,说他非常冷静。Luo Jianwen abandons the child encircles is spatial the accurate situation judgment commendation before the girder fine light to have Canada, said that he is calm.

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而建文帝君臣的改革努力,无疑能够说明黄宗羲等待后人来实现他的方案的想法并非空想。And the Jianwen emperor and his ministers' reformation can prove with no doubt that it was not just a fantasy for Huang to wait the posterity to carry out his plan.

在明代科举考试史上,由于政治上的原因,建文二年的殿试变得扑朔迷离,疑案在悬。For political reasons, in the history of imperial examinations in Ming dynasty, the palace examination in the second year of Jianwen Emperor became a perplex puzzle.

这份数据是电信管理局副部长王建文在北京召开会议时给出的。The newspaper’s website sourced Wang Jianwen, deputy head of the Telecommunications Administration Bureau, who gave the figures while addressing a meeting in Beijing.