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音乐可以感化兽心。Music can reform heart of beast.

你将要受到感化与改造。You will be reclaimed and formed.

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把内疚感化为积极行动。Spin guilt into a positive action.

音乐可以感化兽心。Music can influence the animal heart.

即使是比野兽还野蛮的生物,音乐也能将它感化。Music soothes more than the savage beast.

②温量差上平质量的感化。II temperature on the quality of the light.

他的感化力使我成为一个更好的人.adj.influential His influence made me a better man.

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儿童与青年需要愉快榜样的感化力。Children and youth need the influence of a cheerful example.

许多妇女对其丈夫有感化力。Many women have had a civilizing influence upon her husband.

这样,文章的作者才能看起来没有一直在感化力下写作。So it doesn’t look like you have been writing under the influence.

一是颜料的沉降和絮凝不不不不不差浮色、发花的感化。One is the pigment deposition and flocculation on color, effect of.

那你何不用你神圣的感化力把我们弄出去?Well, why don't you use your divine influence and get us out of this?

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但情感化设计理念用于名片艺术设计的研究还很少。But emotional design has not reached the field of business card design.

最理想的教育之道就是依靠微妙的说服去感化人或影响人。The best method of education is to influence people by subtle persuasion.

移相器地感化是将旌旗灯号地相位挪动一个角度。The role of phase shifter is signal phase shift from another perspective.

加印调不朱油也可以降服粉冻,但这样会感化金属的光华。Reprinted inking oil can also be overcome chalking it affects metal sheen.

项目中的一些条目有特定的感化,它们被硬编码到了ASP。Some of the project items have special roles, which are hard-coded into ASP.

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到目前为止,很少有农民似乎已处理的建议,聘请感化。So far, few farmers appear to have taken Deal's suggestion to hire probationers.

他们发现似乎全世界各地的人们共有一个情感化设计的人生。They found that people around the world seem to share an emotional designinlife.

无论你在哪里,都要让你的感化力具备赞助并造福别人的性质。Let the influence wherever you are be of that character to help and bless others.