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价跌持仓量大幅递减,空单有逢低回补动作。Sharp decline in prices drop positions, empty every keyed complement actions alone.

倘若思绪也有色彩,我的思绪就刚好与这雨景吻合,浅浅的,淡淡的,安静地低回。If the mind has color, my mind just with the rain with shallow, faint, quiet and low.

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价回调持仓量续递减,空单仍有逢低回补动作。Callback positions continued declining, empty single still has every keyed repair actions.

今价跌持仓量小幅递减,空单有逢低回补动作。This price drop positions slightly decreasing, empty every keyed complement actions alone.

伴着低回的轻音乐,客人们非常舒适地接受按摩,彼此不时交谈。Companion is worn low the light music that answer, guests are accepted cozily massage, each other often chat.

月亮河,这是一首非常浪漫的抒情歌曲,它的旋律婉转低回,荡气回肠,引人深思。Moon River is a romantic lyrical song with mild and indirect, soul-stirring melody, making one to think deeply.

最终我们将有降低回压足以使现在是相等的压力,在喷嘴出口。Eventually we will have lowered the back pressure enough so that it is now equal to the pressure at the nozzle exit.

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每每黄昏时分,静寂无人,倚窗诵读,都禁不住为之低回。Often dusk the time-sharing, silencing nobody, relies on the window to read aloud, all is out of control to linger for it.

病灶多表现为血流不丰富的低回声,尤以肝门部和肝左叶者明显。Ultrasonic manifestations of lesion were mostly low echo induced by not rich blood flow, especially in hepatic portal and left lobe.

两组患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块大部分位于颈总动脉窦部,斑块呈强回声、混合回声或低回声。The carotid atherosclerotic plaques of 2 groups were mostly in carotid artery sinus, and plaques with hyperechoic, hypoechoic or mixed echo.

结果睾丸精原细胞瘤多表现为局限性低回声,瘤体内血流信号丰富,形态不规则,多呈分支状。Results The ultrasonography showed that a majority of tumors were focal hypoechoic lesions with abundant irregular branch blood flow signals.

皮肤表现不同回声,皮下脂肪层厚度存在差异,常表现为低回声,而肌肉表现为等回声。The skin is echogenic. The subcutaneous fat layer is variable in thickness and is usually hypoechoic. The muscles reveal medium-level echoes.

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还有就是低回的蛙鸣——有牛蛙也有树蛙——从每年春季开始,一直可以持续到凉爽的冬季到来之前。Another is the deep bass-noted humming of the frogs — bull frogs and tree frogs — which began each Spring and continued until the cooler winter weather set in.

尹派声腔以低回、舒展、花俏见长,极具魅力,其基本特点主要表现在三个方面。The Yin's tunes were very fascinating, singing with low, deep, stretching, and florid ornamentation. Its basic features were expressed mainly in three aspects.

依旧是烟雨几度吹斜阳,依旧是缠绵悱恻、婉转低回的美丽遐想,依旧是浓郁怅然的忧郁,依旧是无法抛却的牵挂。Is still a few degrees blow the rain, is still a very sentimental, tactfully with beautiful daydream, is still a strong feel melancholy, is still unable to give up.

结论TRUS检查前列腺外腺低回声病灶有助于鉴别诊断,有利于提高前列腺活检的效率。Conclusions The sonographic findings of the hypoechoic lesions showed by TRUS are helpful in differential diagnosis and in increasing the efficiency of prostate biopsy.

在漫漫的文学长河中,词的形成除了与音乐关系密切之外,还得益于晚唐诗纤艳深婉、低回伤感的特征。In the endless literature river, the word formation not only has a close relationship with music, but also benefits from characteristic of the deep graceful late Tang poem.

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为低回缩锚具的施工工艺提出指导性建议,同时丰富和完善相关理论分析和试验研究。Proposed the guidance for the construction craft of low retracting anchorage, simultaneously enrich and perfect the correlation analysis on theories and the experimental study.

短蓝条低回兰,使我们在牧师回兰的时候充当替补治疗,但为啥我们一整条天赋树都只为了作个二奶?With such a small mana pool, and little to no mana regen, we can hop in to patch heal while priests are regening, but why have an entire tree of our talents dedicated to patch healing?

小艇从一个浪头滑向另一个浪头时专挑低回的地方,避开浪峰和波尖,这样才会转过来扭过去穿梭自如。The coracle, left to herself, turning from side to side, threaded, so to speak, her way through these lower parts, and avoided the steep slopes and higher, toppling summits of the wave.