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我是钻石般闪耀的皑皑白雪。I am the diamond glints of snow.

群山都被皑皑白雪素裹着。The hills were blanketed in snow.

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响吧,幸福的钟,响彻皑皑白雪。Ring, happy bells, across the snow

田野上的皑皑白雪,那些树。The snow on the fields, the trees.

路和山都是雪皑皑一片。Road and hill were white with snow.

那些高山都覆盖著皑皑白雪。The high mountains are capped with snow.

当冬雪皑皑的时候,他们是绿的。They're green when winter snow is white.

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皓月当空,整个大地在皑皑白雪的映衬下熠熠生辉,取一块雪毯送给我。Send me a blanket of white under a full moon, when the land seems to glow.

皑皑白雪柔和地覆盖在锯齿般的岩石上颠上,显得更加壮丽纯洁。It stands imposing and pure, jagged rock softened by a coat of the whitest snow.

我是万千吼叫的风,飞功红雪皑皑的诺森德。I am in a thousand winds that blow, across Northewand"s bright and shining snow."

皑皑白雪将太阳的能量反射,并返回太空。The sun’s energy reflects off the bright white snow and escapes back out to space.

皑皑雪峰在明月映照下泛出清冷的光泽,也把澄净夜空衬得更加幽蓝。The snow peaks reflect the moonlight chilly , against the even deeper blue night sky.

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在一处覆盖了皑皑白雪的公园中,赤裸上身的慢跑爱好者从穿着厚厚棉服的一家人旁边跑过。A bare-chested man jogs past a more appropriately dressed family in a snow-covered park.

丽江,旧称大研,这座有800年历史的古城,安详地坐落于皑皑的玉龙雪山下。Lijiang, an old town with a history of 800 years, is located at the foot of Yulong jokul.

在这里您可以和向导从皑皑白雪的坡上沿着滑道飞驰而下。Here you can, and wizards from the slope on the exhilarating along the glide path flashed.

外面极冷,天空泻满了灿白灿白的月光,地上覆盖着皑皑白雪。It was bitingly cold, the sky filled with white moonlight, the earth covered with white snow.

皑皑白雪覆盖着崇山峻岭,万物蛰伏在冰雪下蕴蓄生命的力量。Covered with snow-capped mountains, all dormant under ice and snow occur in the power of life.

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伴随着冬日里的皑皑瑞雪,2009年春节如约而至。Is following in the winter snow white auspicious snow, in 2009 Spring Festival but as promised.

从南极回来之后,他开始思索如何将目睹的皑皑白雪冰川表现出来。Upon returning from Antarctica, Rockman had to decide how to represent all the ice he saw down there.

镜头中的凯蒂-库里克和佩林边走边谈,远处是白雪覆盖的皑皑重山和参天石油钻塔。Couric took on-camera walks with Palin against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains and giant oil rigs.