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即期票据在提示时即付款。Demand note that the prompt payment.

期票通常不予接纳。Post-dated cheques are normally not accepted.

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我们将把一张90天的期票交银行贴现。We shall lodge a 90-day note in the bank for discount.

“我不能马上全数偿付,你可以拿张期票。”他说道。"I can't pay it all at once, you must take an I. O. U. , " said he.

专业的来讲,存款证是开证银行提供给您的期票。Technically, a CD is a promissory note the issuing bank delivers to you.

是的,就是这样。我们银行所需要的只是一张期票和一张应收帐款让渡单据。Yes, that's right . Just a promissory note and an AR assignment is all that we'll need.

昨天是一张作废的支票,明天是一张期票,而今天则是你惟一拥有的现金。Yesterday was a check of void, tomorrow is a promissory note, and today is the only cash you got.

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昨天是一张作废的支票,明天是一张期票,今天则是你唯一拥有的现金。Yesterday is an invalid check. Tomorrow is a promissory note, and today is the only cash you have.

昨天是一第作废的支票,明天是一张期票,而今天则是你唯一拥有的现金。Yesterday is an invalid cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have.

贸易融资有限公司完成出售阿拉伯联合大公国银行的期票予印尼投资者。Trade Finance Corporation has closed the sale of UAE bank promissory notes to Indonesian investors.

只有当你方按时履行了合同条款时,我们才会如期承兑你方期票。We 'll honor your draft when It become due only If all contract stipulation have be duly Implement by you.

只有当你方按时履行了合同条款时,我们才会如期承兑你方期票。We'll honor your draft when it become due only if all contract stipulation have been duly implement by you.

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这张期票代表第一期付款,在签合同时得给我们。This time draft represents the first installment and should be given to us upon the signing of the contract.

取而代之的是它的市场期票出票人遍布在国家各地,并且通过电话和网络进行交易。Intead, its market makers are located all over the country and make trades by telephones and via the Internet.

只有当你方按时履行了合同条款,我方到期才兑付期票。We'll honour our draft when it becomes due, only if all contract stipulations have been duly implemented by you.

然而,今天百度显然对她的毅丝公民拖欠着这张期票。It is obvious today that Baidu has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as its users from D8 are concerned.

这些经纪人与专注特定股票买卖的市场期票出票人进行协商以确定股票的价格。The brokers negotiate with market makers who concentrate on trading specific stocks to reach a price for the stock.

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本组只接受划线支票或银行本票,请勿使用期票丶邮政汇票或现金缴交学费。Please do not pay by post-dated cheques, postal orders or cash. Only crossed cheques or cashier orders are accepted.

然而,今天美国显然对她的有色公民拖欠着这张期票。It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.

指为自货币市场获取资金,而委讬金融机构发行之短期票券。Short-term note issued by financial institutions on behalf of the business, for obtaining capital from monetary market.