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整天工作,任劳任怨像头驴儿I work all the day like a donkey

休斯顿任劳任怨地为杰克逊做事。Houston had worked hard for Jackson.

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这种任劳任怨的工作态度是值得我们学习和提倡的。Such work attitude is worthy of study and advocation.

为了这个梦想我要任劳任怨不再满腹牢骚。For my dream i will grin and bear it, without complaint.

他们是多麽任劳任怨,多麽平凡,又是多么伟大啊!How hard working they are, how ordinary, but also how great ah!

一天又一天,帕蒂和我不厌其烦地朗诵一遍又一遍。她任劳任怨。Day after day, Patty and I plodded through recitals. She accepted the drudgery.

他虽然自称为人类的奴隶,也的确任劳任怨地在为人类服务。Though it claims to be a slave to man, it does indeed serve man uncomplainingly.

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我们看到的是一线员工冒寒顶暑、任劳任怨的勤奋辛劳生产场景。We see is a staff take cold top summer, indefatigable hard toil production scene.

跟许多年轻的克拉图因人一样,巴拉达一生几乎都作为契约奴仆,任劳任怨。Barada, like many young Klatooinians, spent much of his life toiling away as an indentured servant.

然而,以巴弗提却因为基督的缘故而任劳任怨,甚至健康受损。But Epaphroditus gladly did everything he could for Christ's sake, even though his health suffered.

牛因为这个缘故,长期以来一直成为人的使用工具,任劳任怨,勤于耕作,辛勤劳动。Cattle For this reason, has long been a person's use of tools, hard working, diligent in farming, hard work.

董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责的精神。He has demonstrated in his work a strong sense of responsibility to compatriots in Hong Kong and to the country.

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对班级生活委员工作任劳任怨,从不计较个人得失。Work hard in spite of criticism the member of committee work of the class life, from personal no object gain and loss.

任劳任怨是他们的工作态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。Hard working is their working attitude, diligent work of their style, they are happy for others to make the wedding dress.

有人说圣骑士是任劳任怨的狂热信徒,但是其大多数人还是将他们视为光明力量的代言人。There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.

都说你任劳任怨,都说你是人民公仆,都说你是劳模,今年是你的本命年,牛人,五一就休息下吧!Say you work hard, all say you are civil servants, all say you are a model, this year is your year, cattle people, may break down!

作为我国较早的音乐教育家,他任劳任怨,辛勤耕耘,培养了大批的音乐人才,为繁荣我国的音乐教育事业倾尽心血。As an early music educator in China, he bears bear hardship without complaint, and has devoted much in cultivating a lot of music talents.

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雄浑的贺兰山在宏大壮阔的外在气象之下,展示着厚重和坚实,涵养着银川人务实、诚信的品质和脚踏实地、任劳任怨的作风。Helan Mountain shows us a grand and solid feeling, which builds practical and honest character, a hardheaded and indefatigable working styles.

加盟皇马一年半后,任劳任怨的阿根廷小伙终于迎来了属于他的时刻。After allying Realmadrid one-and-a-half years, bears the burden of responsibility the Argentine young fellows welcomed finally belonged to his time.

在郭科会的人生工作岗位上,他总是谦虚近人、积极上进、任劳任怨,很快就成为了部队文工团的骨干。Guo Science Council of the life in the workplace, he is always humble neighbor, ambitious, hard working, quickly became the backbone of the army art troupe.