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匆忙来往的人群。The crowd is hurrying.

不跟差劲的人来往。Make no useless acquaintances.

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我会和这个男人断绝来往。I will be through with this man.

勿与此辈来往。Don't associate with such people.

他和一些政客有来往。He travels with some politicians.

我们决定拒绝跟他们来往。We are determined to boycott them.

班中没有人拒绝与新来的男孩来往。No one in the class cut the new boy.

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于是起来往他父亲那里去。So he got up and went to his father.

于是起来往他父亲那里去。And he arose, and came to his father.

间有游人来往的花园边上。By some not unfrequented Garden-side.

我跟他从来没有任何来往。I've never had any dealings with him.

他驾车慢慢地行进于来往车辆中。He insinuated his cat through traffic.

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尤俊达与秦琼有过来往。YouJunDa and QinQiongYou had dealings.

每一次和你默默的人来往。Consorting silently with you every time.

政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

这条船来往于多佛与加来之间。This ship runs between Dover and Calais.

你不应和他那样的人来往。You should not herd with the man as him.

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同时,它还与HBGary断绝了来往。At the same time, it cut ties with HBGary.

原来犹太人和撒马利亚人没有来往。For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.

穿马路前要看清来往车辆。Look about you before crossing the street.