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川人至今也称去厕所为解手。And Sichuan people still use this term today.

战士们在田野里蹲着解手。Men squatted in the fields, relieving themselves.

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分析讲解手厥阴经,手少阳经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Jueyin, Hand-Shaoyang meridians.

分析讲解手少阴、手太阳经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Shaoyin, Hand-Taiyang meridians.

分析讲解手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Yangming meridians.

我希望当我解手后穿衣服的时候正好发现它的。Part of me wished I'd just discovered it myself as I stood up and grabbed my coat.

本套光碟讲解手串子中的腕套。The set of discs fathoms the exercise of wrist routine in interlinked hand skills.

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出租车行驶到巴黎市中心时,车上的女士突然要解手,真难为出租车司机等候着她。It was kind of the taxi driver to wait for the lady who was taken short in the middle of Paris.

本套光碟详细讲解手串子中的六锤头和桃花展。The set of discs fathoms the exercise of six-hammer and spreading peach in interlinked hand skills.

虽然还可以自己用左手往肚里送饭,也能够去厕所解手,但必须有人照顾,搀扶才行。She could still feed herself with her left hand and walk to the washroom but need help to relieve herself.

也许他是要解手,发现棚子锁上了,就离开这去找一个树后的隐蔽地方。Probably he had to answer nature's call and, finding the hut locked, walked away to seek privacy behind a tree.

财旺因腹泻需停下解手,令绑匪发现了来喜沿路撒下眉豆。Wealth to stop for diarrhea, make the kidnapper found the solution hand along the road to xi and eyebrow beans.

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然后我回到床上,闭上眼睛,可由于喝了那么多水,我不一会儿又得起床去解手。Then I went back to bed and closed my eyes, but having drunk so much water I soon had to get up again to urinate.

方法对粘连的肌腱行松解手术,术后配合积极的主动屈指功能训练及系列的康复治疗。Methods After applying tenolysis to adhesive tendon, we associated with active digitorum flexor training and systematic recovery therapy.

一位读者来信回顾他在澳大利亚悉尼的新年前夕。那天夜里,他去解手,来到一片矮树丛边,树丛那边是一所豪宅。One writer recalled the New Year's Eve on which he went to relieve himself against some bushes bordering an expensive home in Sydney, Australia.

要上厕所了,便报告要求解开双手。于是乎,“解手”便成为上厕所的代名词。When they need to go to toilet, they needed to report to have their hands released, therefore "release hands" became the pronoun of going to toilet.

本来死神应该在死神界寻找解手死亡笔记的人类,但死神也可以在82小时内畱在人类世界寻找。Sentially. finding a human to pass on the DEATH NOTE should be done from the world of the god of death. but if it is within 82 hours this may also be done in the human world.

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另一边,送货途径黑尸林的四喜人有三急,在黑大王老巢处解手,无意解救了被困火窟的众蚁孙。On the other side, delivery way black cemetery four gratifying three urgent, in the dark lair of the great king, the king jieshou, has no intention to rescue the trapped sun fire wat the ants.

方法总结近年来我关节外科中心开展的13例原发性冻结肩关节镜下松解手术,术后在一系列的护理措施和专业康复师的协助下完成康复训练。Methods A retrospective analysis of 13 patients with primary frozen shoulder, who underwent arthroscopic lysis and was processed with systemic nursing and rehabilitation training, was performed.