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你听起来病恹恹的!You sound so sick!

有什么不对劲吗?你看起来病恹恹的。Is there something wrong? You look sick.

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那个病男孩给医生一个病恹恹的微笑。The sick boy gave the doctor a wan smile.

手术后住了两星期医院,当时只觉得病恹恹的。I was in the hospital for two weeks after the operation.

葡萄牙有大量的赤字预算并长期就是病恹恹的。Portugal has a high budget deficit and is chronically uncompetitive.

这里的要点是,您并不希望“对病恹恹的人进行手术”。The point is it that you do not want to "operate on a sick patient."

当他发觉自己已经把彩票券扔掉了,他就像病恹恹的鹦鹉一般泄气。He was as sick as a parrot when he realized he had thrown away his lottery ticket.

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他仿佛在这张吓坏了的病恹恹的脸上,看到使他感动的无辜的受难者的样子。He fancied he saw something touchingly innocent in the frightened, sickly little face.

当我们改变了不好的习惯,而那些人仍然是病恹恹的懒汉时我们到要看看谁是疯子。We’ll see who’s crazy when you’ve changed your habit and they’re still lazy, unhealthy slobs!

与苹果专利纠纷中,诺基亚于周二赢得了官司,这被看作是病恹恹的芬兰手机制造商与蒸蒸日上的美国对手竞争中,鲜有的一次胜利。on Tuesday was hailed as a rare victory for the ailing Finnish mobile phone maker against its booming US rival.

一个老妇人摇摇晃晃地走向其中一个女孩,而另一个女孩则走向一个掉了牙的满身恶臭的男人,那人病恹恹的身子上搭着块破布。An elderly woman wobbled over to one while the other approached a toothless, foul-smelling man with rags draped over his sickly body.

晚上,灯夫放下一盏盏的灯,点亮了,再升到空中,便成了一片暗淡微弱的灯光之林,病恹恹地挂在头上,仿佛是海上的爝火。Had let these down, and lighted, and hoisted them again, a feeble grove of dim wicks swung in a sickly manner overhead, as if they were at sea.

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连美国政府也重新划定国家与经济之间的界限,以苏联的方式为病恹恹的银行及汽车制造商提供资金。Even the American government is redrawing the boundaries between the state and the economy, or so goes the argument, with its Soviet-style bankrolling of ailing banks and carmakers.