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妈妈心里一咯噔。Her heart missed a beat.

她看到他时心里咯噔一下子。Her heart jolted when she saw him.

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我的心咯噔一下沉了下去。My heart sinks and quickly pull to the side.

机器咯噔咯噔地响着,工作性质是很机械的。The machines rattled, the work was mechanical.

这种事让很多人心里咯噔一下。That kind of thing makes many people take pause.

铁轮大车咯噔咯噔地穿过大街。The iron-wheeled cart clattered down the street.

仓里满看见一个人,心里突然咯噔一下。Cang Li Man's heart missed a beat when he saw a man.

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雷利心里咯噔一下,不由自主地想到了灾难。Raley’s heart hitched, automatically thinking disaster.

我的心咯噔了一下,“什么,我参加了外国交换学生的球队?”I thought, “What, I’ve joined a team of foreign-exchange students?”

强尼G说过要“跟上摇柄咯噔的声音”。Johnny G himself mentioned "dealing with the clunk of the krank arm."

那个人消失后那个人小时后,又有一个更矮小的人穿着粗高跟鞋咯噔咯噔的向她走来。The figure disappeared, and a new smaller person clopped toward her in chunky heels.

车子又“咯噔咯噔”地行驶起来,但我觉得这“咯噔”声变得动听了。Car again "Ko Deng Deng strategy" to drive up, but I think this "Ko Deng" sound has become a sounding.

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我的高跟鞋在瓷砖上咯噔咯噔地踩出了一连串愉快的声音,我的马尾辫也在脑后愉快地飘飘扬扬。My heels on the tile click click to stamp out a pleasant voice, my ponytail also behind happy music spondee.

我心里“咯噔”一跳,心里顿时升起了一股火气,“怎么会弄成这样呢?”I said to myself "Ko Deng, " jump, and my heart suddenly raised a wave anger, "how could it ended up this way?

我看账单结余的时候心里咯噔了一下,心算了一下我的花费,然后意识到,这个数额确实是对的。My stomach dropped as I looked at the balance, added the expenditures in my head, and realized that yes, it was correct.

女孩心中“咯噔”一下,以前心中的隐隐的猜测变成了现实,一丝难过掠过心头。Girl hearts "pyronaridine" about the past, the faint hearts of speculation into a reality, and a trace of sadness crossed my mind.

荷娜和崔元在吃饭,素恩打电话给崔元,荷娜让素恩过来一起吃饭,看着前来的素恩,荷娜心里咯噔一下。Lotus and cui yuan at dinner, well call cui yuan, lotus na to well come and have dinner together, watching to grace, lotus heart thumped.

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我心里突然咯噔了一下,他为什么对我那么好呢?难道想要很多小费?在离别时我问了他原因。Suddenly my mind slightly Deng a moment why he treated me so well?Do you want a lot of tips?During the exit when I asked him the reasons.

听声音非常耳熟,汪宇心里“咯噔”一下,原来这位不速之客正是杨倩刚刚分手一天的男朋友龙天傲。Hear voice special familiar to the ear, in bark eaves heart " click " one, so this crasher is Yang Qian just parts company day of boy friend dragon is proud.

明兰心头咯噔一下,她记得昨晚顾廷烨说过,太夫人已答应他们另住了,怎么又有变故?Clear orchid at heart Luo Mao for a when, she memorized attending to Ye in the court to once say final night, too the madam has yet promised them distinct live, how have mishap anew?