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属于、有关或靠近尾骨。of or relating to or near the coccyx.

尾骨很酸痛为什么有办法?Coccygeal very why does ache have idea?

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弯曲膝盖,沉下尾骨。Bend your knees, drop your tailbone down.

晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.

弯曲下背部使尾骨移向天花板。Flex low back so coccyx moves up toward ceiling.

我的头部和我的脊柱和尾骨都在一条线上。My head is in line with my spine and my tailbone.

尾骨塞进就像是在山式。Tuck your tailbone underneath just as in Tadasana.

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伸展下背部使尾骨向下靠近垫子。Extend low back so coccyx moves downward toward mat.

尾巴长,尾骨延伸至飞节或以下。Tail Long with bone reaching at least to hock joint.

尾骨血液供应较差,营养动脉主要由腹侧面进入。It enters the coccyx mainly through the ventral surface.

尾骨是人类尾巴的遗留物。The coccyx is the remnant of what was once a human tail.

影像资料研究显示尾骨区有一囊性占位。Image studies demonstrated a cystic lesion of the coccyx.

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接下来让我们聚焦在位于尾骨的根部脉轮。Let us next focus on the root chakra, which sits at the tailbone.

因为脊椎由29块椎骨和一块尾骨组成。Well, the spine is made of twenty-nine vertebrae and the tailbone.

伸展尾骨向地板方向并保持下背部长。Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor to keep the lower back long.

在保持尾骨和肩胛骨稳定的前提下,向后屈身。Now lean back against the firmness of the tail bone and shoulder blades.

尾骨向地板的方向拉长,耻骨向肚脐的方向提升。Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and lift the pubis toward the navel.

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尾骨压向耻骨,大腿上部内侧轻轻内旋。Press your tailbone toward your pubis and turn the upper thighs inward slightly.

你的尾骨继续向脚跟的方向提起是非常必要的。It's also essential that your tailbone continues to lift upward toward the heels.

在骶骨下面是尾骨,或尾巴骨,其中包含几个小骨头。Below the sacrum is the coccyx, or tailbone, which consists of several small bones.