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硫丹是防治抗性棉蚜值得重视的一种杀虫剂。Endosulfan is recommended to control the resistant A. Gossypii.

病毒WMV-2对棉蚜种群结构也有影响。Further, WMV-2 also changed the population structure of aphids.

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结果表明,三种次生物质均对棉蚜有一定的抗生性。The result suggested that they all had anti-cotton aphid action.

棉蚜的抗药性增加与体内水解酯酶活力有关。The resistance of aphid is related to activity of hydrolase of aphid.

本文对五种杀虫剂在本地区气候环境下防治棉蚜的药效进行了试验。The efficacy experiment of five insecticides against aphids was done in the cotton field.

由棉蚜该片段推导的氨基酸序列与其他昆虫的同源性较高。There was high homology of amino acid sequence between the cotton aphid and other insects.

这些结果表明吡蚜酮在棉蚜防治中具有很高的应用价值。These results suggest that pymetrozine has high application value in controlling A. gossypii.

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久效磷缓释剂涂茎对棉蚜的防治效果大于氧乐果。Smearing stems with monocrotophos slow-release-formutation was more effective than with omethoate.

外源保幼激素类似物对棉蚜种群消长和成蚜有翅率均有重要影响。JH analogs could produce a remarkable effect on the population dynamics and the alate rate of adult aphid.

有性棉蚜有多次交配习性,交配时间平均为41分钟。Sexual cotton aphids mate many times, the average mating time is 41 minutes, female adult longevity 1s 28.

在长期的进化过程中,棉蚜已经形成了不同的寄主专化型。Many researches have confirmed that there are various host biotypes in wild populations of the cotton aphid.

棉蚜对氰戊菊酯和溴氰菊酯的抗药性水平随地区、季节、寄主的不同而有差异。Resistance to fenitrothion and decamethrin of cotton aphid is different in different areas, seasons and hosts.

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烯啶虫胺对抗吡虫啉棉蚜的羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶及谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶的抑制作用较小。Nitenpyram showed little effect on the activities of CarE, GST and AChE of the imidacloprid-resistant cotton aphid.

仅体色蚜虫就有多种分化,如棉蚜有黄色型、绿色型和中间型之别。Aphids have many polarizations only in body color, such as the yellow, the green and the intermediate color etc in cotton Aphids.

在猎物数量不足的情况下,用转基因棉或常规棉上的棉蚜与果蝇混合饲养,若蛛的存活率和体重差异都不显著。In the limited and mixed feeding experiment, there were no differences in impact whether prey aphids were from GM or non-GM cotton.

为有效防治易门地区危害渐趋严重的苹果棉蚜,开展了该虫害危害特性以及药剂防治的研究。In order to control Eriosoma lanigerum in Yuxi effectively, the experiment on the harm characteristics and chemical control was conducted.

综合评价,棉蚜的生存和繁殖适合性在转单价基因抗虫棉上最高,在双价棉上最低。Generally evaluated, cotton aphid had the highest fitness on Bt transgenic cotton, and the lowest fitness on Bt and CpTI transgenic cotton.

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由此推测,棉蚜寄主专化性的形成与生活史特性的分化有关。It is inferred that there exists relationship between the formation of host specialization and differentiation of life cycle in A. gossypii.

应用地学统计学的原理和方法研究了不同时期棉蚜及龟纹瓢虫种群的空间结构和空间相关性。The spatial construction and distribution of Aphis gossypii and Propylaca japonica at different period were investigated with geostatistics.

目前南部棉区棉蚜抗药性水平大于中部棉区棉蚜抗药性水平,这与南部棉区用药水平高有直接的关系。Depending on the intensity of insecticide application, the resistance level of cotton aphids was higher in south Shanxi than in middle Shanxi.