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他热情洋溢。He is brimful of enthusiasm.

她内心总是热情洋溢。Her heart always glows with enthusiasm.

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她热情洋溢,满面春风。Her face blazed with enthusiasm and happiness.

理查是个知道如何表现得热情洋溢的演员。Richard is an actor who knows how to exuberate.

感谢校长热情洋溢的欢迎辞。Thank you, Mr. President, for your warm welcome.

他那双很像猪眼的小眼睛里闪烁着热情洋溢的光芒。His small, rather piggy eyes glitter with enthusiasm.

有时蓖麻油还可以用作了热情洋溢。Sometimes castor oil can also be used as an ebullient.

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感谢杜比先生热情洋溢的致辞。Thank you Mr. Dolby for giving us such an ardent speech.

这是一种有丰富情感的,让人心神不定的,热情洋溢的关系。This is a messy, uncomfortable, passionate relationship.

感谢校长先生热情洋溢的欢迎辞。Thank you, Mr. President, for your kind words of welcome.

两国元首先后发表了热情洋溢的祝酒辞。The two leaders proposed enthusiastic toasts respectively.

然后就妇女解放问题发表一篇热情洋溢的演讲。Followed by a passionate lecture on the enfranchisement of women.

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市长王鸿举在招待会上发表了热情洋溢的致辞。Mayor Wang Hongju delivered impassioned address on the reception.

我非常愉快的答谢您热情洋溢的欢迎词。I have the pleasure in replying to your gracious speech of welcome.

摇滚歌星看起来是一年到头都被热情洋溢的追星族追随着。Rock stars seems to be perpetually followed by hot-blooded groupies.

对于光的回应并不如期盼的热情洋溢。The resulting response to the light has not been as effusive as expected.

随后,此次推广会在热情洋溢的乐曲声中圆满结束。Subsequently, the meeting came to a satisfactory close in the burning music.

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“来啦,”她热情洋溢地说着,“这是我很多年里听到的最最奇妙的想法。”There now, she said enthusiastically, is the most marvy idea I've heard in years.

匈牙利电影界的上层,充满了昂扬和热情洋溢的气氛。At the top of the country's film industry, the mood is both bullish and ebullient.

他的邻居记得他是一个热情洋溢的少年,自封是一个讨女人喜欢的男人。His neighbors remembered him as a hot-blooded teenager, a self-styled ladies' man.