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阳光明丽舞妙曼。Dance to their romance in the sun.

明丽的六月你吹拂玫瑰。Do not the bright June roses blow.

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那里阳光灿烂明丽。And there the sun burns crimson bright.

如同一卷明丽的腰带伸展。Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.

漂亮的玫瑰,色泽红润明丽。Sweet rose, wcorrupt hue enraged and adventurous.

这个季节是温暖的,是明丽的,是轻盈的,是蓬勃的。This season is warm, is bright and is lightweight, is thriving.

精纯维他命C,令肌肤即刻回复明丽、柔滑、细致。Pure vitamin C the skin instantly back to bright smooth delicate.

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明丽的塔式楼阁!喜欢。祝您中秋愉快,阖家团圆!Happy Mid-autumn Festival, Wish Ur Family in harmony and in reunion!

而其中的五彩池以九寨沟最明丽的海子著称。In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.

自己愿意用自己生命所余下来地时间来等候你明丽如春地俨然一笑。外国人…I would give the rest of my life to get the spring sunshine of your smile.

所采用的颜料多为天然矿物质研磨而成,色彩明丽,千年不褪色。The colour is bright and beautiful. It would not fade in a thousand years.

房屋基本上都是一个样子,涂着明丽的颜色,立于柱子之上。Houses are almost all the same, painted in bright colors and stand on piles.

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汇明,时尚浪尖上光芒四射的明星,汇聚所有的明丽与灵动色彩。Himens, the glamorous star on the fashion wave , clustering all the bright and smart colors.

做一个明丽的女子,不倾国倾城、但倾尽一切去爱!To be an enchanting and charming lady, not win for all the material but try the best to love.

这是一个灿烂明丽的多色调世界,但画面上的孩子们始终有黑白两色。It was a bright, primary-colored world, but the children in it were assiduously black and white.

亮泽净化因子令肌肤时刻明丽白皙,富有透明感,保持肌肤健康活力。Bright purifying factor makes your skin beautiful and white, with transparency and healthy vigor.

连以前不显眼的角落里的一点新绿,都似乎变得色彩明丽了。Even before the inconspicuous corner of a little green, seems to become bright and beautiful color.

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在清新明丽的早晨,年轻的教师一早来到新办公室,心中充满了愉快的感想。The young teacher came to his new office in the fresh sunlit morning and was filled with happy thought.

提升的花朵颜色也比往日更明丽,更健康持久。The ascending flowers are more vibrant in color than ever, and healthier lasting longer than at prior times.

突然间他听到敲门声﹐他去开门﹐看见了一位明丽动人的女子站在他的房门外。He suddenly heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw an attractive girl standing outside of his house.