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那时,神之女奴已是一个非常低俗的传统。These days it’s very much a low caste tradition.

一个聪明的女奴帮助阿里巴巴摆脱了40大盗。A clever slave-girl helps Ali Baba escape from the 40 thieves.

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故事大约发生在1850年,讲的是路易斯安那州一个逃跑的年轻女奴。The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850.

他把半裸的女奴用铁链锁在王座上以供消遣。He kept scantily-clad slave girls chained to his throne for his amusement.

对神之女奴采访时,她们的反应大不同。When you approach a Devadasi girl for interview the response varies hugely.

第一天,我参加了一个关于神之女奴的会议。On my very first day there I stumbled into a meeting of Devadasi prostitutes.

我不许这女奴的儿子分享我儿以撒的继承权。I will not have this slave-girl's son sharing the inheritance with my son Isaac.

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他母亲是一个充满智慧的女奴,他的父亲是一个白人。His mother was a black slave of exceptional intelligence, his father a white man.

从根本上说,祥林嫂与曹七巧都是封建中国铁屋子里的女奴。Both Aunt Xianglin and Cao Qiqiao were slaves in the 'firm prison 'like feudal China.

从根本上说,祥林嫂与曹七巧都是封建中国铁屋子里的女奴。Basically, Xianglin and Cao Qiqiao are both slaves in the iron-room-like feudal China.

你对身边的妻子们和女奴不必有节制。You don't have to be modest around your wives or your slave girls "that your right hand possess."

在当时的时代背景下,女奴只是奴隶主的繁殖工具。Under such kind of background, female slaves were only the producing machines of the slave owners.

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你会看到许多前神之女奴都成为反对这一传统的社会活动家和竞选者。You see groups of former Devadasi becoming social activists and campaigners against the tradition.

最有可能从事这一行业的女孩将会成长在母系神之女奴的群体中。The girls most at risk of being dedicated will have grown up in very matriarchal Devadasi communities.

美国内战之中,一个有着卷曲头发,活泼眼睛的黑人小女奴争取着属于自己作为主人的权利。A little black slave girl of ante-bellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.

你会看到许多前神之女奴都成为反对这一传统的社会活动家和竞选者。You see groups of former Devadasi becoming social activists and campaigners against the tradition. That's one way out.

即便米尔顿本人也不愿为那些女奴的自由所呼号,辩解,或是反对这种私底下的暴行“Not Milton himself would cry up liberty to poor female slaves or plead for the lawfulness or resisting a private tyranny.

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本来楚剑功进京是准备养一批女奴的,这下计划泡汤了。The native Chu sword achievement works to the capital is prepare to reserve a petticoat Nu, this afterward arrange bubble soup.

例如,围绕着托马斯·杰佛逊实际上是否与他的一个女奴生有几个孩子、这一问题,史学们众说纷纭。As an example, there are many differing opinions as to whether Thomas Jefferson actually fathered children with one of his slaves.

与现实中的桑树形象最为接近的,是战国时期采桑狩腊攻占壶上的图案,在这只青铜壶上十分逼真地刻画了女奴们在桑林中歌舞的情景。The mulberry that best resembles a real tree is the painting on a bronze kettle featuring a group of girls dancing in a mulberry forest.