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他唱最高声部。He sings treble.

我的声部是女高音。My part is soprano.

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第三个声部是什么What was the third voice?

那么我们要怎样听低声部呢?Well,how do we hear the bass?

你们听到了多少个声部How many parts do you hear in it?

当她歌唱时,悲哀号哭出她的声部。Woe weeps out her division, when she sings.

现在,织体中有多少个声部Now, how many parts are there in the texture?

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为什么旋律声部都在高音区呢?Why does the melody show up in the high range?

怎样让中提琴声部演奏跳弓呢?How do you get a viola section to play spiccato?

而他听到了各个声部,不仅仅是旋律And he's hearing multiple parts, not just melody.

三声部降B多利亚调式创意曲,作品第3号,第5首。Three-part Invention in B flat Dorian, Op. 3, No. 5

声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.

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这套歌曲的原调就是为男中音而设而这也是笔者的声部。This song cycle is for baritone , which is also author's voice.

林氏曾为香港科技大学学生会合唱团女高音声部部长。She was the soprano part leader in the University Choir, HKUSTSU.

这首乐曲为马头琴多声部组合开拓了新的思路。The music developed a new concept for Mongol stringed instrument.

贵州黄岗村,农民的多声部和声歌队。Farmers chorus of part-singing in Huanggang Village of Guizhou Province.

使用单声部的文件,听起来在一个虚拟的领域用户的地方。Using monophonic files, place sounds on a virtual sphere around the user.

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我们已经说到了其中一条,在高声部的小提琴和旋律We've just talked about one of them-- the melody and the violins up above.

乐队写歌时参加键盘乐声部和弦乐声部的编写。Take part in the composition of keyboard and string sections for our new songs.

作为一名声部演奏员,排练和演出既富于挑战性,又充满乐趣。As a section player, rehearsals and performances can be challenging and enjoyable.