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它们大概是最好的青玉吧。They may be the best green jade.

青玉玉质,雕一行走的胡人。Jade carved jade, much of a walk.

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玉璧精选上等和田黑青玉精雕细琢而成。Hetian jade select the superior jade carved into it.

这件和田青玉饰品貌似是个刀柄吧?Is this Tian Qing jade decoration similar as Dao handle?

此挂件为青玉,玉质细腻,雕工精巧,造型可爱,有一鸣惊人之意。The jade, jade pendant is exquisite, carver choiceness , lovely modelling, have a blockbuster.

从此时起直到收获第一批青玉米,她们都要付出劳动,精心照料这种作物。From this point until the first green corn could be harvested, the crop required labor and vigilance.

这件藏品为青玉质地,上面雕刻的图案为巴国的图腾。This Tibet is tasted for gray jade quality of a material, carven design is above cling to national totem.

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青玉,阴线加镂空,为独身双头龙型,龙身盘成S形,线条流畅,可见微小跳痕。Sapphire, Yin line with hollow out, for single double dragon, dragons in S, smooth lines, visible tiny jump.

专家认可锡兰青玉从他们的光光度和光华对中等蓝色颜色。The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires from the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour.

一袭飘逸灵动的纯白裙裾掠过白玉石阶,青玉阑干。The solid white skirt Ju that an refinement works properly brushes past a white jade rank, green jade wooden railing.

该区除产出少量青玉外,主要是碧玉,碧玉性质与玛纳斯碧玉十分相似。In addition to a small area outputs Qingyu, mainly green jade, jasper and the nature of the Manas jasper very similar.

公司产品多元化,主产五光十色、七彩珠、浪花青玉、阿波罗等。The company has various products, among which Colorfulness, Shining balls, Spary Green and Apollo are the main products.

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青玉玉质,玉件上有明显沁色,为一件破损玉璧改制,外缘有一规整圆形穿孔。Jade jade, jade pieces have obvious, one thing for wage- earners breakage, a jade restructuring outer circular perforation neat.

此玉为青玉玉质,质地、品相较好,沁色明显,两面刻有人戴兽冠图案,寓吉祥之意。The quality of the jade, jade, jade is tasted, good quality, compared with two wage-earners color, RuiShou pattern, auspicious meaning.

当青玉终于明白了妹妹的身份时,已是在血泊中了,姐妹最终的深情相拥,使一瞬成为永久。When sapphire finally understand sister's identity, already is in the pool of blood, and sisters final affectionate hug to each other, make the moment to become permanent.

青玉米的深加工及其相关食品的开发越来越受到人们的关注,但青玉米的脱粒、破碎却一直是阻碍其发展的瓶颈。Deep processing of green-maize and its re lated food more and more is concerned by people. But green-maize seed-husking and crushing is a bottle neck to obstruct its developmenting.

相比之下,现在我们所见的白色礼服,礼服,最终这资源这种像天鹅绒装饰和丝绸、有价值的宝石、青玉、珍珠和黄金。In contrast to the white gowns that we see now, gowns that time ended up of posh resources this sort of as velvet and silk, decorated with valuable gems, sapphires, pearls and gold.

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结果表明,追氮可显著提高饲用青玉米的产量以及秸秆粗蛋白、真蛋白和氨基酸含量。The result showed that Yield and straw crude protein contents and true protein contents and amino acid contents of forage green maize were obviously increased after nitrogen application.