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海上风平浪静。The sea was calm.

今天是个风平浪静的日子。It's a windless day today.

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退一步风平浪静,忍一时海阔天空。Step back and calm, a sports.

湖面风平浪静。Not a breeze crisped the lake.

风平浪静地在那里独居良久。Of those calm solitudes is there.

忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。Endure a calm, step back broad sky.

风平浪静的大海,每个人都是领航员。In a calm sea every man is a pilot.

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在风平浪静的海面上,每一个人都可以成为领航员。In a calm sea every man is a pilot.

这种船只适于在风平浪静的海上航行。Such a boat is fit only for a calm sea.

如果未来的几个月惠普能够保持风平浪静,或许就是个良好的开端。A few drama-free months might be a good start.

忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空!I calm and tolerance, and one step back Seasky!

风平浪静的大海,每个人都是领航员。True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot.

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在大多数暴风来临之前总有一段时间风平浪静。Before most big storms there is that moment of calm.

忍一时,风平浪静,退一步,海阔天空。Endure a moment, calm, step back, a brighter future.

他们可能担心过多就会风平浪静。They might be wary that you'll be overextending yourself.

风平浪静。难怪人家说这旅顺港呢,是一个天然良港。No wonder people say Lushun is an excellent natural harbor.

当这项运动风平浪静之后,black便取代了Negro一词。Black supplanted Negro when the energy of this movement waned.

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再也不会忍了,就算会风平浪静也只是一时吧!No longer tolerate, and even if the will is but a temporary calm!

海上风平浪静,海水很快就变成了蔚蓝色。Seas were calm and within a short time turned azure blue in color.

给我妳的爱吧!不要每次都一成不变的风平浪静。Give me ur luv! Do not appear to be calm and peaceful at all times.