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贝蒂·斯托布斯,她是一位农民的妻子,67岁时就遭逢了这样的经历。Betty Stobbs was a farmer's wife and 67 years old at the time of her tragic encounter.

家中遭逢变故,这段日子估计都没什么时间和心情去看盘操作了。Family tragedies, this period of time estimated no time and the mood to go look up operation.

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遭逢天然重大灾害,致无法如期开工或延误完工时程者。Failure to start construction as scheduled or delay of completion caused by serious natural disaster.

这真是前面遇狼,中间遇虎,最后还得遭逢吃人的恶魔。This is really a wolf in front of the event, between when a tiger, end of the day people encounter monsters eat.

最近遭逢巨变,肃恭未能分身顾及国家大事,拒加入辫子党,终得各人体谅。Recent upheaval, the ready and not busy with affairs of state, refused to join braid party, she gains understanding.

他曾经在十二年前遭逢一场车祸。因此对行动不便人士有更感同身受的体会。As the survivor of a serious car accident 12 years ago, he feels strongly about assisting those who are "less-abled."

但是也有人相信索兹伯格家族的精神与这份报纸联系得是如此之紧密,即便遭逢危机也不可动摇。But there are those who believe the ethos of the family is so deeply committed to the paper that it will remain unshakeable.

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直到一九八五年新加坡遭逢经济萧条前,沈博士刚开始那五年的贸易事业经营得都很顺利。Until Singapore 's sudden economic depression of 1985, the first five years of Dr. Sim's trade enterprise went very smoothly.

当大地翻搅,青山垂泪,一些同胞遭逢巨大伤痛的时候,全体中国人只能一起承受,与灾魔对抗。When the earth shakes, wreaking havoc to our compatriots, all Chinese people must support them and join forces to fight the disaster.

传统的管理模式在低碳社会转型所需的广泛社会参与面前遭逢严峻挑战。Traditional modes of governance are seriously challenged by the need for wide social participation in the transition to a low-carbon society.

法官们啊,不必为死亡而感丧气。要知道善良的人无论生前死后都不会遭逢恶果,他和家人不会为诸神抛弃。Wherefore, O judge, be good cheer about death, and know of a certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.

在上半年赚取了庞大获利之后,LCD制造商正遭逢全球景气萎缩迅速扩散打击消费者需求的窘境.After reaping hefty profits in the first half, LCD makers are suffering from a fast-spreading global downturn that is hitting consumer demand.

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血斧是兽人各氏族里最早遭逢人类帝国军事实力的,受其文明劝化也最多。The Blood Axes were the first clan to encounter the armies of the Imperium , and it is they who have had most contact with the Imperial culture.

对经济敏感的个股遭逢抛售,这包括科技、大型生产商、银行、房屋营建商及一些消费品公司.Economically sensitive stocks bore the brunt of the selloff, including technology, big manufacturers, banks, home builders and some consumer companies.

在致力修持之际,却遭逢苦海满溢,实是恶业及障碍已被清净之时。When the lake of misery overflows while you try to engage in spiritual practice, it is a fact that your evil karma and obscurations are being purified.

而且管理费用通常较低.许多投资人在2008年遭逢资产大缩水打击之后,目前也对管理费用斤斤计较起来.Exchange traded funds also typically have low management fees, which many investors have taken more seriously after a brutal decline in asset values in 2008.

不管遭遇什么,良善的人都会继续前进。他们不闲聊或渴望作乐。无论何时遭逢快乐或悲痛,他们既不会洋洋得意也不沮丧。The good walk on, whatever befall. They do not prattle or long for pleasure. Whenever touched by happiness or sorrow, they appear neither elated nor depressed.

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野外工作的时间也会因遭逢意外而消逝,颠簸、充满碎石的道路著实教训了租来的休旅车,短短两天内轮胎漏了三次气。Field time also can unpredictably vanish, as we discover when the rough, gravel roads take their toll on the rental SUV, which suffers three flats in just two days.

你也许会觉得那些行为十分端正的创作歌手总不会频繁地遭逢不测,但事情并不尽然,就算是死神也是需要抽出时间来休假的。You might think singer-songwriters were too well-behaved to encounter death all that often, but you'd be wrong – the grim reaper needs to take some time off there, too.

拘留所里的白玉萍遭逢前来作证的周远方未婚妻,白玉萍懵了,她从未听说周远方有未婚妻!The week distance fiancee that attest comes to before the meet with of white jade duckweed in the jail, bai Yuping is muddled, she never hears week distance has fiancee!