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没有多余的钱去寻开心。No more money left to have fun.

别让他们拿你寻开心,大孩子。Don't let them kid you, big boy.

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哪里能寻开心,公爵就到哪里去。The Duke goes where he's amused.

他们喜欢靠自己寻开心。They want to be self-sufficiently happy.

孩子们总是调皮捣蛋寻开心。The children are always up to amusing tricks.

他在学校里还拿一个坐轮椅的小姑娘寻开心。He made fun of a girl in a wheelchair at his school.

别拿我寻开心了。我到真的忘了,你可积极呀。Don't make fun of me. I really forgot it. You are so active.

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那个农夫像寻开心般怀疑地看着我,但是巴克的脸色却没有变。The farmer gave me an amused, cynical look, but Buck's face didn't change.

那些愚蠢的男孩子过去常朝过往车辆扔石头,寻开心。Those stupid boys used to amuse themselves by tossing rocks at passing cars.

夏天的前两个月,我们在费耶特维尔和我们的朋友一起度过,纯粹是为了寻开心。We spent the first two months just having fun in Fayetteville with our friends.

一个在市场游荡的男子想寻开心,就走进一个算命先生的帐篷里。Wandering around a fairgrounds, a man enters a fortune-teller's tent for a laugh.

我相信,别人和我有同样的感觉,如我不喜欢被人取笑,所以我也不去拿别人寻开心。Others have the same feelings I have. I don't like to be teased, so I don't tease.

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正如你所说,这座城市里没人相信这回事,他们以为这女人是在拿他们寻开心。Just like what you said,no one in the city believed that. They thought the woman just fooled them.

我希望服务器恢复正常之后,黑客不会故伎重演,无论是为了寻开心还是出于个人利益。I hope when they go back up the hackers wont start doing this again, just for fun or personal gain.

实际上,过客只是“到这里寻开心”,不会真的严肃对待工作。In essence, vacationers are just "here for the ride" and don't really take their work very seriously.

因此准备就没法再进行了,将军和他的助手们开始在副总统身上寻开心。Then, unable to help themselves, he and his staff imagine the general dismissing the vice president with a good one-liner.

警方称,美国南佛罗里达州一7岁男孩因偷开祖母的“道奇杜郎戈”寻开心,将面临盗窃汽车罪的指控。Police say a 7-year old South Florida boy faces grand theft auto charges after taking his grandmother's Dodge Durango for a joyride.

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为了避免给公众以帕斯蒂斯在拿此事寻开心的映像,大部分的报纸连着两个星期都用之前的漫画代替这辑漫画。To avoid giving the impression that Pastis was making fun of the recently deceased, a majority of newspapers replaced the two-week series with earlier strips.

她遇到想穿穿女人衣服寻开心的一个不相干的小伙子,便用她原有的破衣,换来她身上的这套服装,扮成个男子。She had exchanged rags with the first young scamp she came across who had thought it amusing to dress like a woman, while Eponine disguised herself like a man.

呆在家里做作业,不免觉得有些乏味,除了看看书或电视,陪着外公外婆打几副牌,寻开心。Homework at home, can not help but feel a little boring, in addition to or look at television, accompanied by several deputy grandfather grandmother playing card, make fun of.