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从1965年开始,印尼中央政府对印尼华人执行强制性的同化政策。Since 1965, Indonesian central government policy has demanded the assimilation of the ethnic-Chinese.

缅甸国王从17世纪开始推行的同化政策绝不会从新的执政精英们的头脑中消失。The policy of assimilation of Burma’s kings from the 17th century will never disappear from the mindset of the new ruling elites.

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其二,「脱中入日」后的冲绳被彻底地实施面向日本的同化政策,导致其文化结构发生变化,认同也随之发生本质上的变异。Secondly, the thorough Japanization policy carried out through Okinawa at the time restructured the culture and identity of the area.

"被偷走的一代"是澳大利亚同化政策的产物和实现同化澳大利亚土著的重要内容。Stolen Generation is an evil consequence of Australian assimilation policy and an important part of assimilating Australian aborigines.

这些严厉的话不仅出自受人尊重的诺贝尔和平奖的得主,而且确实反映了中国各项同化政策。These are harsh words from this Nobel Peace Prize laureate, but they are also a truthful characterization of China's assimilationist policies.

从1910年至1970年代,澳大利亚官方企图实行消除原住民文化的同化政策,有大约10万儿童遭受劫难。It was an official attempt to dilute indigenous culture, and the practice persisted from 1910 until the 1970's. One-hundred thousand children were affected.

国家统治者为了政治上的目的会采取各种强制或非强制的手段来传播自己的优势语言,实现语言同化政策,以此来维护国家的统一并提升国家在国际上的地位。Language spread is very important for a country. The government of a country would use every means to spread their language in order to consolidate their state power.

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在冲绳的吊诡现象,暴露了现代国家在追求国民整合过程中,「中心」对「边陲」所实施的国家暴力,同时也揭示了同化政策的局限。Furthermore, the paradoxical phenomenon on "motherland" in Okinawa is exactly a story telling the violent structure of a modem nation-state , and also the restriction of assimilation.

在同化政策和二元文化政策都行不通的情况下,加拿大政府采取了明智的多元文化主义政策,取得显著效果,为其它西方国家所推崇和仿效。Owing to the unavailability of assimilation and dual culture, Canada carried out multicultural policy that produce notable effect, and was praised highly and imitated by western countries.

长期的同化政策使得大部分华侨归化当地,华文教育的性质随之由母语教育转变为外语教育。Long-term assimilation policy resulted in majority of the overseas Chinese naturalized and promoted the Chinese language education from native language education into foreign language education.