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这个钟有优美的音色。The bell has a beautiful tone.

当旋律没有音色还会因何存系?What use is the rhyme with no tone?

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法国号音色很美。The French horn has a beautiful sound.

音色,如由泛音所决定的。Music Timbre, as determined by overtones.

笙能吹出一种特殊的和弦音色。It provides a unique Chordal sound texture.

这架钢琴的音色具有一种古雅的老式风味。The piano has a quaint old-world tone about it.

这种悲喜交加的音色激起了他的艺术激情。This bittersweet quality fuels his artistic fires.

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双簧管与低音提琴的音色不同。The double bass and the oboe have different timbres.

特殊的咪芯设计,音色效果更佳。Special microphone-core design, sound effects better.

刘惜君的音色非常棒,好好发展的话会是一个主流歌手…She very pretty. i hope she has a good singing future.

它听起来好像有一点点很细微的八度音的音色。It sounds like there's a subtle octavia sound going on.

如果不要使用印音色带是否损坏或丢失。Do not use if imprinted tamber band is broken or missing.

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口哨的音色悦耳动听,抒情性极强,极富歌唱性。The sound of whistle is euphonious , emotional, and melodic.

除非你是一个机器人,不然你的讲话都是带有音色的。Unless you’re a robot, your speech has a musical quality to it.

木格口琴比塑格口琴音色更好吗?Does a wood bodied harp sound better than a plastic bodied harp?

在琴槌的毛毡上粘上小针以使音色圆润。Sticking small needles into the hammer's felt creates mellowing.

我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.

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只有雄鲸才歌唱,并且每个都有自己的音色。Only male humpbacks sing, and each group of whales sings its own tune.

噪音的音色充分显露出来,口腔的噪音就消失了。The timbre of the laryngeal sound stands out, and oral noise decrease.

音色幼细,细致,透明,自然,阔音场,离箱。Sound smooth, details, clear, transparent, natural and good sound stage.