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我不想在塔拉自掘坟墓。I never dug the graves in Talafar.

你将自掘坟墓下地狱!You will dig one's own grave go to hell!

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馋嘴贪食的人,用自己的牙齿自掘坟墓。Gluttons dig their graves with their teeth.

这是最无知的自掘坟墓。It is suiciding ignorance of the highest order.

你继续这样过度吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.

如果发现自己正在自掘坟墓,第一件事情就是停止挖掘。If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.

在某种意义上,他们依旧无法想象一个体系怎能以“自掘坟墓”来运行。In a sense they still cannot imagine the system can operate to undermine itself.

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在上海买房,你就是自掘坟墓,然后埋葬你的爱情。有意思。To buy an apartment in Shanghai, you dig a tomb for yourself, then bury your love.

当我们这个正在崩溃社会的碎片开始脱落的时候,政府就会自掘坟墓。When the debris of our collapsing society starts to come down, they will be its victims.

目击者说,囚犯们在死前要自掘坟墓。Witnesses said that the prisoners were forced to dig their own trench graves before the slaughter.

奥萨马·本拉登死在美国海军海豹突击队的枪下,美国恐怖分子安沃·奥拉基在捕食者导弹的袭击下毙命,赛达姆·侯赛因受尽屈辱,自掘坟墓,被绞刑处死。Osama bin Laden shot by Navy SEALs. American terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki blown up by a Predator missile.

你在几年前就让你自己完蛋了,当时你还不知道你在自掘坟墓。You also screwed yourselves several years ago, when you couldn’t have possibly known you were doing it.

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他不断增加交易次数,不断增加交易金额,其实是在自掘坟墓。He keeps putting on more trades and increases his size, all the while digging himself a deeper hole in the ice.

那些认为自己不可征服的国家实际上是在自掘坟墓,只是时间问题而已。All those who start considering that they are invincible dig their own grave and then it is just a matter of time.

如果我们让这个机构消亡,摧毁它的活力,削弱它的力量,那便无异于自掘坟墓。Were we to let this or to let this organization DIE, to enfeeble its vigor, to cripple its powers, we would condemn our future.

这些学生对大学提出了新要求,如果大学试图忽略他们,那么无异于自掘坟墓。These students are making new demands of universities, and if the universities try to ignore them, they will do so at their peril.

他被命令制定一个针对美军的全面攻击计划。武元甲深知此举无异于自掘坟墓,于是他擅自修改了计划。Heis ordered to plan a full-scale direct offensive against the U. S. forces. Giap knows this is suicide, so instead, he modifies the plan.

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把茂密的森林和大草原开垦成农田以种植粮食作物的做法不仅正在把我们这个星球逼上绝路,也是在给我们自掘坟墓。Growing our food on land that used to be intact forests and prairies is killing the planet, setting up the processes of our own extinction.

接手非法声明是自掘坟墓,因此食品行业经常否认那些真正因服食他们产品而生病的合法声明。Pursuing illegitimate claims undermines the system, so that the food industry is more likely to deny legitimate claims by people who have actually been sickened by their products.

他们都犯了一个小错误,然后就走上了不归路,试图掩盖之前的错误,然后一直掩盖下去,直到最后,他们自掘坟墓,无法自保。They made one small error and stepped out on that slippery slope, then tried to cover up that error, cover up that error until eventually they dug themselves a hole they couldn't get out.