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“喜上眉梢”是个成语。"Xi shang meishao" is an idiom.

一会儿之后,她是喜上眉梢。A moment later, she was beaming.

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该裁定将特别令爱尔兰人喜上眉梢。It will bring a smile to Irish eyes in particular"."

该裁定将特别令爱尔兰人喜上眉梢。It will accompany a smile to Irish eyes in particular"."

国家艺术理事会该喜上眉梢了。Officials at the National Arts Council should be overjoyed.

今日人人都喜上眉梢,没有一个感情低落的。Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb.

每当他提起自己那刚出生的孙子时,就会喜上眉梢。His eyes twinkle with delight as he spoke of his new grandson.

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很多事情能让我们高兴,喜上眉梢。There are a lot of things that make us happy that make us smile.

天使们说我今天会喜上眉梢,但,谁需要什么天使?The angels said I'd smile today, Aw well who needs angels anyway?

每当他想起去年冬天,就喜上眉梢。His eyes twinkle with pleasure every time he remembers last winter.

而且我觉得卡梅伦听到这样的呼声也并不会喜上眉梢。Nor do I think that the will have much more joy with David Cameron.

不过同性恋倡导者和同性恋伴侣们立即喜上眉梢。But the elated reaction among gay advocates and couples was immediate.

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同样地,国内生产商也是喜上眉梢,因为这意味着他们的竞争对手进口的商品会更为昂贵。Similarly domestic producers may be cheered that rival, imported goods are more expensive.

凤凰涅槃,喜上眉梢。中国的李娜在半决赛对阵丹麦的沃兹尼亚齐时庆贺自己的盘点。Li Na of China celebrates set point in her semifinal match against Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark.

当我需要摆脱那副表情时,我就会想象一些风趣的事情,然后自然就喜上眉梢了。When I need to take my sad face off, I usually think of something humorous and a smile will naturally form itself.

零售商们对于红红火火的生意喜上眉梢,现在在餐馆里的一桌饭与在滑雪胜地的酒店房间一样非常抢手。Retailers are rejoicing about record sales and a table in restaurants is as hard to get as a hotel room in ski resorts.

新注入的资金让Trada喜上眉梢,但最让Robertson激动不已的是整个众包社区The fresh cash certainly puts a smile on the faces at Trada, but out of everything, Robertson is most excited for the crowdsourcing community at large.

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用红色布料做成的皮底绣花鞋,鞋头绣以盛开的梅花枝头,喜鹊飞舞在花丛中,寓意“喜上眉梢”。This leather-outsole shoes is made of red cloth material, toecap embroidered with plum branches in full bloom and flying magpie in the flowers, which means "Happiness".