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狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

马在春光里踢着跳着撒欢。The horses are kicking up their heels in the spring air.

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它绕着餐桌转圈撒欢儿的速度让人看得直眼晕。His laps around the dining room table are made at dizzying speed.

祝你能在别人让你停下来前尽情撒欢!May you have as much fun as you can before someone makes you stop !

孩童时期,他就爱在野外撒欢,抓蛇,捕乌龟。As a kid, he burned off energy outdoors catching snakes and turtles.

实际上,她在房间里撒欢乱跑的速度简直令人吃惊。In fact she can bound across a room at a surprisingly break-neck pace.

小小贝在公园里撒欢地跑着,没人阻拦。Bryan was enjoying running around the park without interruption from us.

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冰河解冻,彩蝶纷飞,野熊撒欢,这是一个结婚的季节。Ice thawed, Butterfly fly freely, Bear play freely. It is time for our wedding.

仓库,韩珊如昔日一样宁静而繁忙,小草也撒欢地在院中游玩。As HanShan such as former warehouse, quiet and busy, the grass in the courts SaHuan also visit.

我希望,我是个前锋或是能向贝克汉姆一样的中场,踢一脚酷酷的香蕉球,在绿茵场上撒欢的跑来跑去。I wish I were a striker or a midfielder like Beckham, kicking perfect banana curve and running wild at the football pitch.

这么拖延一下,你的朋友就可以在你们飞快地在原野里撒欢的时候赶在你的前头抓住链子。This will slow it down enough for your friend to jump on top of you and grab the chain as you go bulleting across the countryside.

几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃铛叮当作响,满屋子转悠着找饼干。After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the garage floor, and charging the house in hopes of getting a biscuit.

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和桐乡普通农村的面貌一样,这里水田幽幽,鸟儿撒欢,几位老农穿着雨靴、弯着腰、低着头在田里劳作。And like the Tongxiang ordinary rural look, here paddy birds faint, Sahuan, several farmer wearing boots, bent over, head in the fields.

抢夺我产业的阿,你们因欢喜快乐,且像踹谷撒欢的母牛犊,又像发嘶声的壮马。Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions.

山坡上动物们仿佛集会似的,成群的公牛啦,羊羔啦,兔子啦都在尽情地撒欢。On the slope of the hill, the animals are assembling for a reunion. Flocks of bulls, lambs and rabbits are running excitedly forward and backward.

一个可以随意撒欢的年纪是乎渐渐远去,似乎生命中最初的纯真就那这样恋恋不舍地留在当初那纯粹的心性里了。One can Sahuan age is even go away, life seems to be the first on the innocent so that reluctantly had to stay in that pure hearts and minds in the.

我们需要可爱的、美丽的、帅气的、气质非凡的、能在镜头前撒欢的宝宝作我们的模特!We need those babies as our models, who are lovely, beautiful, and handsome and have good manners, and those who can act like a spoiled child in front of the lens.