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美国在该地区的力量也剑拔弩张。So are US forces in the region.

南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。The North and South were at loggerheads.

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虽说这两个政党剑拔弩张,但是他们并不矛盾。The two agendas sit in tension, but they are not contradictory.

但是接着布泽尔运球过了枷锁,然后来了一个剑拔弩张、气吞山河的扣篮。But then Boozer drove past Gasol for a rattling, grimacing slam dunk.

我们刚坐上冠军宝座,所以理所当然所有人都对我们剑拔弩张。Absolutely everyone was gunning for us because we had just won the title.

中国曾经很像一个“瓶中精灵”,直到安培开始剑拔弩张。China was very much a "Genie in a bottle" until Abe started rattling sabers.

在江第二届任期之末,北京与台北剑拔弩张。At the end of Jiang’s second term, Beijingand Taipei wereon a collision course.

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就连泰柬两边的驻军也没有人们想象的那样剑拔弩张。Even the Thai-Cambodian troops on both sides are at daggers drawn as people think.

买卖双方在信用评级问题上互相牵制,剑拔弩张。Buyers and sellers is mutual on credit grade issue diversionary , at swords' points.

有时候,他们没有真的剑拔弩张,只摇动着剑,使发出兵刃之声来吓怕他人。Sometimes, without actually removing it from its holder, they rattle it to frighten people.

队式辩论的真正优势不在于气势上的剑拔弩张,而在于一种无坚不摧的逻辑力量。The real advantage of debate in group is not at daggers drawn but at all-conquering logic power.

他们对彼此的态度都有些吃惊,想不到竟会剑拔弩张,怒目相向。Both were shocked at their mutual situation-that each should have betrayed anger towards the other.

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那次印度已表现了令人钦佩的忍耐力,双方一直抗议,但并没有剑拔弩张。This time India has shown admirable forbearance. There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling.

接下来,通常的情况就是过敏原和免疫系统之间越来越剑拔弩张,于是冲突升级。Often the allergen and the immune system become increasingly antagonistic, and the reaction worsens.

美国财长盖特纳口头上的剑拔弩张是对开放的全球贸易体系的一种威胁。The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system.

她保证,将通过关注安全问题而为两国剑拔弩张的关系翻开“新的一页”。She promised to turn a "new page" in the testy relationship by broadening its focus beyond security issues.

男子说他们是印度人,但是此次袭击使到本已敏感多变的地区更加剑拔弩张。The men said they were Indian, but the attacks appeared to ratchet up tensions in an already volatile region.

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他们与西化派之间剑拔弩张的气氛,在俄国思想史上持续了整个十九世纪Their tensions with westernizers would last right through Russian intellectual history in the nineteenth century.

本月在曼谷举行的气候会谈更是在发展中国家与发达国家间剑拔弩张的气氛中落下帷幕。And climate talks in Bangkok this month ended in even deeper acrimony between the developing and developed economies.

新兴市场快速增长自然不错,但是发达国家停滞不前,特别是贸易摩擦剑拔弩张,却不会令任何人受惠。A fast-growing emerging world is fine, but a stagnating rich one serves nobody―especially if trade tensions start to rise.