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响应如何出现。How the response appears.

他响应征召入伍从军。He answered the call to army.

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发送请求和接收响应。Send request and receive response.

卖方响应,向买方报价。The seller responds with the quote.

此类响应嵌入了链接。This type of response embeds links.

请求和响应可以比较短。Requests and responses can be short.

响应者也是没有几个人。Respondent is also not a few people.

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变换器有快的动态响应。The conver also has a fast response.

试着去积极响应他们的需要。Try to be responsive to their needs.

但这只得到了参议院的一个种植者的响应。But that came a cropper in the Senate.

那是笛声。号角声响应。That's the flute. And the horn answers.

现在我们有响应这一召唤的机会。This is our chance to answer that call.

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路由器是如何响应的BIP错误?How Does a Router Respond to BIP Errors?

不限次紧急响应。Not limited to emergency response times.

原则4,人们对刺激性因素的响应。Principle 4 people re ond to incentives.

那字母成了她响应感召的象征。The letter was the symbol of her calling.

您需要为响应对象进行此操作。You will do this for the response object.

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和观众热烈响应。And, audiences responded enthusiastically.

下面是示例请求和响应。Below are the sample request and response.

查找服务用注册响应。Lookup Service responds with registration.