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我们必须在一个月之内把敌人拖垮。We must wear the enemy out in a month.

江源知道这是林正华早就计划好的,是要断了他们的后退,用价格战拖垮同源。Know zheng-hua Lin this is already planned, is to cut off their retreat, with price down.

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美国通过架空俄国经济和军备竞赛拖垮战术赢得了冷战胜利。America won the cold war by isolating the Soviet economy and stalemating its armed forces.

否则,这些钱就会被用来催生资产泡沫,这也会拖垮经济。Otherwise, the money would be used for blowing bubbles, which could bring down the country.

在第四节比赛中,你必须使出浑身解数来对付他,否则他就会把你拖垮。You have to have energy and mental toughness in the fourth quarter or else he’ll wear you down.

拖垮市场的是一种恐慌情绪,你会担心你的交易对手是否遭受了损失。It is the fear that your counterparty might be in that predicament that is gumming up the markets.

“过多的存货会拖垮零售商”,李先生说,“现在我们管理着每家店铺的库存,能够获得销售数据,知道什么在库房里什么该放船上运走。“Too much inventory kills retailers, ” Mr. Lee said. “Now, we’re managing inventory in each store.

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研究人员还认定,天长日久,由ACE引起的高浓度应激激素会拖垮身体。Researchers also posit that high levels of stress hormones caused by ACEs can wear down the body over time.

那些在我健身时企图拖垮我的人,我想他们的自我价值感是超低的。Those people who tried to drag me down these days made me realize that their sense of self-value must be very low.

当然,“长期”也是相对的。正如任何投资者都知道的,持续的熊市能拖垮一只组合基金。Of course, "over time" is a relative term. As any stock investor knows, prolonged bear markets can decimate a portfolio.

一家大银行的倒闭会拖垮另一家银行,如同阶式渗透一般在整个金融领域造成混乱。The failure of one large bank can bring down another in a cascading effect that can create chaos in the financial sector.

细微的误差率也可能意味着信心的消失,因为即使实力雄厚的银行都可能被交易对手风险拖垮。The slim margin for error means confidence could still evaporate, with even good banks dragged down by counterparty risk.

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关键的问题是,他们能否切实实现这些潜力,或他们是否会被以下因素拖垮。The key issue is whether they can live up to this potential, or whether they will be derailed by some of the following factors.

欢迎僵尸,一个回合制游戏,唯一的目标就是要拖垮和摧毁僵尸,才做给你一样。Welcome to Zombies, a turn-based game where the only goal is to outlast and destroy the zombies before they do the same to you.

支持减少财政赤字的鹰派会很愿意看到这个结果,无限制地增加政府财政赤字最后终归会拖垮经济。That is what deficit hawks would like to see happen, because expanding the deficit will ultimately create a drag on the economy.

但是,继2008年金融系统中的肆意妄为几乎拖垮整个世界经济之后,美国又一次败坏了自己的名声。Still, we have stained ourselves, again after the 2008 debacle when our excesses in the financial system almost did the world in.

聪明的老板明白这样的流氓做法会得到报应——那就是公司最终被一群巧言令色而又无真才实学的职员拖垮。Smart bosses know that corporate bullies eventually get what they deserve--a staff of lickspittles whose lack of talent destroys the company.

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当一个大范围数组的数据从本地组件中输送过来,大量反复的JNI调用将极大地拖垮性能。When a large bound array of data are fed to native component, there will be large amount of JNI call which can drastically slow down the performance.

他指出,“恶性增值将影响资源流动的效率,也会造成严重的社会及经济问题,甚至会拖垮经济发展。”"A fast appreciation will block the effective flow of resources, causing serious social and economic problems and even dragging down growth," he said.

在2009年7月迫受争议的伊朗大选中,当一些艾哈迈迪内贾德支持者的网站被众多自制的拒绝服务工具拖垮时,街头抗议反映到了网络空间。The disputed Iranian election of July 2009 saw street protests reflected online when many pro-Ahmadinejad websites were brought down by mass DIY denial of service tools.