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该方法较好地利用了相对速度的信息。This method makes good use of the relative velocity of AUV.

我们所能够完全肯定的一点只是这两列火车之间的相对速度变了。All we can be certain of is that the relative speed between the two trains changed.

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但是从他最初超我车时的相对速度来判断,我不敢肯定。But judging by our relative speeds when he'd originally passed by, I'm not so sure.

驱动轮和销轨的相对速度按正弦函数变化。The relative speed between driving wheel and pin rail varies with sinusoidal function.

本文研究了一种基于相对速度偏角的导引律。This paper studies a new guidance law based on the relative velocity deflection angle.

我们特制的测速仪显示这两列火车的相对速度是每小时20英里。Our special speedometer shows that the relative speed between the two trains is 20 mph.

本方法是基于对FW-H方程的准确求解,并限制螺旋桨叶尖相对速度为亚音速。The blade tip speed is limited to subsonic. The formulation is based on the FW-H equation.

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一般说来这相对速度的临界值随背景气压的增加而减少。This critical value of relative speed generally decreases with increasing background gas pressure.

但是,如果您运行的电机功率约为60你会得到一个相对速度为每分钟6-10米。But, if you run the motor power at around 60 you will get a relative speed of 6-10 feet per minute.

通过动力方程的不变性说明了相对位移、相对速度和相对加速度三个递归公式的内在关系。The negative damping is strange and can not be explained by the equation of motion for SDOF system.

结合群众的相对速度测量,可以计算出它们的质量直接明星。Combining the measured velocity with the relative masses, they can calculate the mass of the star directly.

我们坐在其中的一列火车上带着特制的速度测量仪,可以测出两列火车之间的相对速度。We are seated in one of the trains, and with us we have a special speedometer that measures their relative speed.

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你之所以是错了,我们所知道的仅仅是这两辆火车之间的相对速度由每小时0英里增加到了每小时10英里。You are wrong because all that we know is that the relative speed between the two trains changed from 0 mph to 10 mph.

考虑到立管中固体颗粒与壁面之间的摩擦及空隙度的影响,建立了包含此两因素的修正气固相对速度方程。A modified relative velocity equation was derived by taking both the frictional losses and the voidage into consideration.

在两者的结合是明显的风,这是相对速度风相对船的议案。The combination of the two is the apparent wind, which is the relative velocity of the wind relative to the boat's motion.

以杆组分析方法为基础,结合转化机构原理及凸轮机构的相对速度理论进行从动件的速度和加速度分析。Analyzing the velocity and acceleration of the follower based on the Assur-group method and the inversion of the mechanism.

两辆列车都以260英里的时速对开,在交叉的那一瞬间,相对速度就达到了520英里每小时。Each of the two trains was travelling at260 miles per hour but when they crossed, their relative speed was 520 milesper hour.

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技术追赶被认为是在一个固定的技术轨道上各国的相对速度。Usually, technological catching-up is considered as a question of relative speed in a race along a fixed technological track.

特别是那些在我看来是静止的物体,在你看来却在后退,后退的速度等于我们之间的相对速度In particular, the things that I say are at rest, you will say are moving backwards at the velocity that you have relative to me.

该导引律简便易行,仿真表明了该导引律能快速地消除相对速度偏角,实现小的脱靶量。The simulation shows that this law can eliminate the relative velocity deflection angle quickly and achieve little miss distance.