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我走街串巷找到了他的新住所。I went round the streets and found his new abode.

流动送货车走街串巷。The mobile grocery carts travel through the lanes.

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走街串巷做小买卖的不多见了。Peddlers going through streets and alleys are rarely seen nowadays.

快过年了,大家走街串巷,忙着办年货。The New Year, everybody fast lane, see much know wide busy do often.

他们夫妻俩亲自操作,走街串巷,提篮叫卖。The couple both personally operation, the street level, Basket salesman.

卖冰糖葫芦的老爷爷走街串巷地叫卖。The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks.

饥馁在城中走街串巷,瘟疫则安坐在城门口。Through the streets of the cities walks Famine, and the Plague sits at their gates.

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小商贩们走街串巷赚点小钱养家糊口。The peddlers went to every alley and street to make money to support their families.

它跟着男孩走街串巷,还尾随他到教室。It follows him all through the streets, then dogs the boy's trail into the schoolroom.

不法商贩利用经济不景气,走街串巷地叫卖偷窃来的衣服、香水和音乐磁带。Illegal traders are using the recession to hawk rip-off clothing, perfume and music tapes.

这是我们向西行走,走街串巷时我主要思考的问题——可能,我们想,是去往加利福尼亚的方向。This was my focus as we traveled across the countryside, going west—perhaps, we thought, to California.

最后,一行人来到北京四合院的聚集区,走街串巷地体味另一番古朴之美。Lastly, they walked in the ancient streets to appreciate the beauty of the quadrangle dwellings situated along.

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接连几个星期,人们带着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不被认出来。For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks doing what they wanted to do without being recognized.

最初是艺人用以走街串巷、在店铺门前演唱索钱。Originally, Shu Lai Bao was performed by artists wandering about the streets and playing in front of stores to ask for money.

她在自己的选区走街串巷,亲自上门向8千多名选民作自我介绍。She walked through neighborhoods, knocked on doors and personally introduced herself to more than 8,000 voters at their homes.

通常在那里摄制影片是要受到限制的,西库需要找到一种方法,在不需要携带大型摄影机走街串巷的情况下进行拍摄。In a city where filming is often restricted, Siku needed a way to get his footage without carrying a large camera through the streets.

比如Google的照相车在各大城市里走街串巷到处拍照,然后推出了在线地图服务“街景”。For example, Google’s vans go round taking street-by-street pictures of cities for the company’s online map service called “Street View”.

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是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.

除了固定的理发棚,还有走街串巷或设在桥头的移动理发匠。In addition to fixed shaving sheds, there were also mobile shavers which included those toured streets and those settled down at certain bridge.

每到不上学的日子,他就早早起来,背着一个大布袋,走街串巷,捡一些破布头、烂纸片卖给废品加工厂。Every school day, he would get up early, carrying a large bag, street to street, picking up some broken head, scraps of paper sold waste processing plant.