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物换星移,我会永远守着你。Time flies, you'll always have me.

物换星移,我会一直守着你。Time Flies, But You'll Always Have Me.

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物换星移,我会永远守着你。Time flies, but you'll always have me.

物换星移,时过境迁,言犹在耳。Mind, passage of time, still ringing in our ears.

暑往春来,物换星移,时光把蓬中带入新世纪。Spring to summer, things changed, the pont in time into the new century.

赐予我生命的女人说我是天上所赐是她生命所需而她是我心之所寄物换星移,始终不渝。The woman in my life says I'm the one she prayed for And all she's ever gonna need.

物换星移,浮生苦短,是非恩怨,如此而已。过去的事就让它过去吧,未来会是全新的开始。Leaving is always a sad thing, but it would also be a fresh start. New start, new adventure.

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一任岁月逝去,物换星移,在那遥远的地方,我依然思念你如昔!Although time passes by, and many a thing changes, I, far away from you, still miss you as usual!

千年以来,万年以后,多少物换星移的韶华,终究不能忘记。Since the millennium, years later, the number of things changed Shaohua, after all, can not forget.

物换星移,不变的是北斗夜夜的光辉,还有牛郎织女持续的相望,在银河两岸,默默地凝眸。Things change, change is the night light, and the continuing across, in both sides of the Milky way, silently gaze.

尽管物换星移,世事多变,我们也要致力传承发扬这些优良传统文化与习俗,让它们代代相传。Even as the years go by and the world changes, we keep alive these traditions, handed down to us through the generations.

物换星移,虽然有些人仍自称为社会生物学家,不过现在风行的却是演化心理学。Times have changed. Although some self-identified sociobiologists are still around, the current fashion is evolutionary psychology.

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物换星移,林平平的父亲落实政策,重返领导岗位,林平平考上北京大学。Change of seasons, lin Pingping's father implements policy, return heads station, lin Pingping is taken an examination of on Beijing University.

它神奇地将我们牵引在一起,就在我们感叹物换星移的时刻。有些事情永远无法回头,但我们知道即使走著不同的方向。It is amazing to us pulling together. Sigh things changed in our time. Some things can never go back, but we know that even walked a different direction.

然而岁月流逝,物换星移,在月球引力作用下,地球的轴心不断偏转,导致星座对应的月份推迟了约一个月。But during the thousands of years since, the moon's gravitational pull has made the Earth shift on its axis and created a one-month shift in the stars' alignment.

于是,半个多世纪过去了,狗饼干的品牌几经沉浮,微不足道的此刻物换星移,我们究竟发现了什么?And here we are, more than half a century after the dog biscuits, with the petit pendant—the little now—dead and gone, and the long thereafter in full swing, and what do we find?

但是,物换星移,情随事迁,各代文人的审美主张在阅历着变化及传承与开展,山川画同样也不破例。However, times change, feelings change with the things to move, all on behalf of the literati aesthetic advocated undergoing change and heritage and development of the same landscape is no exception.