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而你,我希望你会无所不有。To you, I wish you everything.

一个无所不有的人就某些方面来说其实是个“穷”人。A man who has everything is a poor man in some ways.

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但,创业主义却是空前的无所不有起来。But, entrepreneurialism has certainly never been more accessible.

作为学者的助手,辞典方便、便宜,几乎无所不有。As a study aid, it is convenient, inexpensive and almost omniscient.

有线电视播出的节目从有氧操到莎士比亚戏剧无所不有。Cable television provides everything from aerobics classes to Shakespeare.

但军事科学的范围很广,从海洋到陆地,从地下到外层空间无所不有。But military science ranges from sea to land and from underground to outer ace.

但军事科学的范围很广,从海洋到陆地,从地下到外层空间无所不有。But military science ranges from sea to land and from underground to outer space.

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在网上我们可以得到各种信息与建议,不管是免费的还是昂贵的,安全的还是不安全的,无所不有。We can access information and advice, both free or expensive, both sound or unsafe.

到年中该公司已经同3300名左右的客户签订了合同,这些客户从钢铁企业到食杂店,无所不有。By mid-year some 3,300 customers, from steel plants to grocery stores, had signed up.

在这里专家们给出了他们最喜欢的方法,从不夜间饮酒到减少在笔记本前的时间无所不有。Here, experts reveal their favourite methods, from cutting out a nightly tipple to limiting time spent on your laptop.

他们想减少对社会地位象征的追求,放弃快节奏的事业并摈弃那种渴求无所不有的欲望。They want to reduce their attachments to status symbol, 11 fast-track careers and great expectations of Having It All.

他的问题无所不有。但自与计算机打交道一学期后,雷蒙德居然由零起步而完成了七年的数学学习任务。But in one semester he had with the computer, with zero academic performance, Raymond caught up seven years of mathematics learning.

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语言是文化的一部分,是构成文化其它组成部分并使之赋有活力的一个非常重要的因素,文化无所不在,无所不有。Language, being a part of culture and a vital element in the formation and vitalization of other constituents of culture, is ever present and all inclusive.

在从温州到台州两小时车程的高速公路旁边,遍布着数百家的私人企业,生产的产品从电泵到人造皮革,无所不有。Near the expressway on the two-hour drive from Wenzhou to Taizhou are hundreds of private factories making everything from electric pumps to synthetic leather.

首先,人们对市场上无所不有的盗版产品早已习以为常,作为消费者的人们大众也是防不胜防的。Examples like this are numerous. Why in the world are the counterfeits so rampant and prevalent in China?First, people are used to the fakes that are everywhere.

开幕式力求浓缩中国5000年的历史——从万里长城到京剧木偶,再到宇航员,还有艺术、音乐和科学方面的成就等,无所不有。The ceremony sought to distill 5, 000 years of Chinese history — featuring everything from the Great Wall to opera puppets to astronauts, and achievements in art, music and science.

如今,自动贩售机卖的商品五花八门,从石烤披萨、冰激凌等食物到诸如药用大麻甚至金块等奇葩类物品无所不有。Nowadays, vending machines can stock a range of goods, with anything from food including stone-baked pizzas and ice cream to truly bizarre items like medicinal cannabis and even gold bullion.

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日本素以制造高端精密机器人而著称,从本田公司的仿人机器人阿西莫到会抛煎饼的厨师机器人莫托曼再到帮助老年人排解寂寞的毛茸机器海豹帕罗,五花八门,无所不有。Japan is already famous for highly sophisticated robots, from Honda's humanoid Asimo to pancake-flipping chef Mo toman to Paro the fluffy robot seal that helps ease loneliness among the elderly.

是书籍文献的选集,由许多人在一段相当长的时间里,在各种各样的环境下,对不同的事件做出回应而写成的,政治的,历史的,哲学的,宗教的,道德上的,无所不有。It's an anthology of writings or books written and edited over an extensive period of time by people in very different situations responding to very different issues and stimuli, some political, some historical, some philosophical, some religious, some moral.