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金属呈游离态的很少。Few metals occur free.

游离和水解的甲醛。Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde.

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可走捷径,那就是使用游离的酸。It is a short cut to use the free acid.

铝在自然界从不以游离态存在。Never is aluminum found free in nature.

治疗前后尿游离轻链水平变化不明显。The serum free light chain levels reduced.

没有游离的金属锂,电池使用更安全。No floating metal lithium assures a safer usage.

天然食物中的聚糖大大多余游离单糖。glycant vail over free glycoses in natural foods.

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我们也有情绪低落的时候,俨如游离状态的动物。We had dark-sided mood and we were touring animals.

游离的Bcl-xl接着保护细胞免于损伤。The free Bcl-xl protects now the cells against damage.

DCIS已越来越多地采用游离瓣转移。Free flap transfer is being increasingly used for DCIS.

每年春季,数百万只游离尾蝠都会返回这个洞穴。Every spring millions of free-tails return to this cave.

N8原子可能以游离碱形式与受体发生氢键作用。N8 atom could form H-bond to the acceptor as a free base.

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我们也有情绪低落的时候,俨如游离状态的动物。We had dark side of the mood and we were touring animals.

方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。When Fong talk about him, she avoids eye contact with me.

游离态之激素才有作用。Only the free hormone is biologically available to tissues.

游离的钙离子过多会抑制牛奶的稳定性。Overmuch free ionic calcium depresses the stability of milk.

好象女性诗歌是游离于文学史之外的另类。Quite a few female verses dissociate from the literary history.

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又或者是这个产品本身定位是游离于主流产品之外的?Or is the product just too niche to ever see mainstream success?

全铁和游离铁的含量也呈下降趋势。Total Fe and free Fe contents also showed a decreasing tendency.

游离氧化钙是造成转炉渣膨胀的主要因素。Free CaO is the main factor affecting the distensibility of slag.