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汽车从大道开到岔路上去了。The truck turned off the main road.

你怎样扭转一段走向岔路的关系?How do you turn around a relationship?

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对在岔路上发生行车方向的错误应以防止。Wrong-way movements on the slip road are prevented.

别拐第一道右弯口,到第二个岔路路向左转,走上百老汇路。Don't take the first right, take the second left onto Broadway.

每次我们沿着一条路走,很快就会碰到新的岔路。Every time we follow one path, we soon come across new branches.

神经元活动的分岔路径得以表明。The bifurcating routes for spiking of the neurons are displayed.

大凡毫无目的的逃亡者,他们遇到岔路,一般会下意识地右拐。A no, they meet the evacuees fork, general will subconsciously, turn right.

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若不去实践是很虚浮的,而且往后走上岔路的机会非常大。Not to go practicing is so empty that we would go into the wrong way in the future.

我建议你慢下脚步去走那在雾中突然出现的岔路。I suggest you slow down and follow some of the side roads that appear suddenly in the mist.

我要是你,我就再向南走三英里,到达岔路后向西。If I were you, however, I would go south for one more league , and then take the fork west.

退回这过道,他能看到他此前走过的那个岔路,象是墙上一个张开的大嘴。Back up the passage he could see a crossway he had already passed, a gaping mouth in the wall.

在这冻结的迷宫中本来很容易迷失,但是席恩·格雷乔伊熟悉每个转弯岔路。It was easy to get lost in that frozen labyrinth, but Theon Greyjoy knew every twist and turning.

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卓尔的流民狄宁小心地穿过卓尔精灵的城市魔索布莱城的幽暗岔路。The rogue Dinin made his way carefully through the dark avenues of Menzoberranzan, the city of drow.

拐弯时遇见一位身着丝质和服饰带的俏女孩被岔路阻延。Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.

两条岔路的尽头都有穿民族服装的藏人在兜售小饰品和风景明信片,木板游道环线比别处也更加回环曲折。Costumed Tibetans sell trinkets and postcards at the end of each fork, and the boardwalks loop more ambitiously than usual.

在一条有很多岔路的冰隧道中聪明地用不同的高低速来抓鱼。当心不时出现的树。Collect herrings in an ice channel with various paths and many high and low speed passages. Watch out for the occasional tree.

你忽然发现你不记得之前的几公里,忘记了岔路,或者你惊愕地发现你刚刚打盹儿了。You suddenly realize you don't remember the last few miles, miss turn-offs, or you startle, and realize you've just been snoozing.

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如果最初的设计引向了岔路,开发人员常常对原有代码和初始设计感到灰心丧气。As the original design is stretched in unexpected ways, it is not uncommon for developers to grow frustrated with their original code and initial design.

也有无尽的岔路供收税官、旅人与信差使用,从异乡埃及直通危险的苏格兰沼泽区。The endless byways also accommodated tax collectors, traders and messengers as they traveled from exotic Egypt all the way to the hostile Scottish Moors.

我让项目带着我遨游,让它自由地选择岔路或迷路,就像一只不受看管而肆意游荡的驯养动物。I let the project take me wherever it likes. Ilet it pagate or stray, just as we describe a domestic animal that isn'tbeing shepherded around as straying.