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喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

他喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

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只知纵情享乐,而不知他已面临祸殃。He knows pleasure but not disaster.

整天没事干的享乐很快就使人感到厌烦。The pleasures of idleness soon cloy.

他们沉溺于享乐和闲逸中。They weltered in pleasure and idleness.

疾病是为享乐付出的债利。Diseases are the interests of pleasures.

她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.

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吴的儿子也很喜欢享乐。Wu 's son liked to have good times, too.

大桥街是个能愉悦享乐的好地方。Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

记住,这是她的享乐,而这正是你想看到的。Remember it is her pleasure you are after.

“纵欲”“享乐”可能是杨朱的思想吗?。Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea?

这也有利于避免享乐性适应。This also helps to avoid hedonic adaptation.

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成天享乐的袋鼠终将滨临绝种危机?Kangaroo having fun will extinct in thw world?

一年后,我出现在追求物质享乐出名的好莱坞。A year later, I'm here in Lala-land of Hollywood.

天道,只顾享乐,无心修佛。Who pleasure, not intentional of heaven, the Buddha.

年轻一代更多看中个人享乐。The younger generation longs for more personal comfort.

他们的个人主义表现为享乐思想。Their individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking.

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孔子认为,适度的享乐是可以接受的。Confucius thought moderate amounts of fun were acceptable.

妈妈对他的儿子说不要沉溺于享乐和闲逸之中。Mother told her son not to welter in pleasure and idleness.

第一世界并不想把自己的享乐建筑在第三世界的痛苦之上。The First World is not feasting on the misery of the Third.