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风能吹熄火柴,也能煽风点火。The wind extinguishes the match, but can only fan the flame.

媒体一定会煽风点火,我们也很期待。The media will be hyping it up and we'll be looking forward to it.

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而且我知道是谁在给她出主意,是谁在背后煽风点火。And I know who she is being advised by. Or rather, being incited by.

“想起他们,”他说,“就会想到一些类似的人,总喜欢煽风点火。"If you think about them, " he says, "they are the same people—always agitating.

纳尔逊竞选班子想给这些谣言煽风点火,但是他们没有确证或证据。The Nelson campaign tried to stoke the rumors, but without corroboration or evidence.

它挑战、激励、发出巨大的声响、煽风点火,却也具有减轻痛苦的疗效。It challenges, provokes , rattles, agitates, but also soothes with healing properties.

横扫突尼斯和埃及的变革之风已经减弱,仍需煽风点火。The winds of change that swept through Tunisia and Egypt have slowed, and need invigoration.

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国会无法支付他们的工资,纽约纽堡的官兵便开始煽风点火,几至叛乱。When Congress wouldn’t pay them, officers in Newburgh, New York, stirred up a near rebellion.

专家表示,以上的论断无异于是对那些可能已经计划采取暴力行动的人煽风点火。Experts say such rhetoric inflames individuals who might already be planning acts of violence.

老猫将帅飘装货的地址给了潘达,还煽风点火让他把仓库烧了。Old cat wave loading address to the general, pan is fanning the flames burned to let the warehouse.

他们清楚谁在煽风点火、嬉笑怒骂,但是他们却没有注意到柏林墙即将倒塌。They knew who was telling subversive jokes—but missed the fact that the Wall was about to come down.

他笔下那些煽风点火的政客,诸如蓝皮艾伦之流,卑鄙残忍不下于库珀的抗租者。His demagogues, who bear names like Aaron Blue-Skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's Anti-Renters.

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虽然我没有确凿的证据指出这些家伙是在煽风点火,而我确实有几个疑问。Though I have absolutely no evidence that these folks are not on the up and up, I do have a few questions.

相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people.

汤伯凡在旁煽风点火,最后时刻曹政剪对导线,炸弹没有爆炸。Cao Zheng Shang Bofan in fanning the flames, beside the last minute for wire cut and bombs failed to explode.

“规劝者”拉斯和他那帮种族主义者匪徒正在利用这一点大肆煽风点火。Ras the Exhorter and his gang of racist gangsters are taking advantage of this and are increasing their agitation.

不要在别人说闲话的时候煽风点火了,随意地表现出一些善意,试着提一些别人做的好事。Rather than encourage gossip, practise random acts of kindness. Try pointing out some good thingsthat others have done.

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政府看着越来越多的人参与进来,担心在新疆制造麻烦的人会利用他们煽风点火。The government, observing their growing popularity, feared that troublemakers in Xinjiang could use them to foment unrest.

博客则煽风点火,加剧人们对中国工人涌入的恐惧,他们认为这是北京占领他们国家的长期战略。Bloggers are whipping up fears that the influx of Chinese workers is part of Beijing's long-term strategy to occupy their country.

对抗议活动煽风点火,抗议从此扩散到全国,引起了美国国内对穆斯林组织更普遍地批评。fanning the flames of a protest that has since spread into a more generalized criticism of Muslim institutions in the United States.