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成功的秘诀在于矢志不渝的坚持。The secret of success is consstancy of purpose.

他是一个执着的人,对于自己的追求矢志不渝。He is a determined person, persistent in pursuit.

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她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.

他对我矢志不渝,而我对国家忠贞不二。He serves me most, who serves his country best – Homer.

你说,爱是独一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。You say, love is only one, we so lucky, our commitment.

我们深信不移、矢志不渝地守护着我们的梦想。We have no doubt that unswervingly to protect our dream.

美国将矢志不渝地致力于确保全球安全。America’s commitment to global security will never waver.

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确保客户的成功是我们矢志不渝的目标。Ensure that our customers success is our unwavering goal.

大海对礁石矢志不渝的爱,令我对礁石也刮目相看。The sea on the reef vowed to love, I also look on the reef.

金巴斯人将矢志不渝地为创全国知名品牌而奋斗!Jin Basi will unswervingly to create well-known brands and hard!

我亲爱的朋友,我们必须矢志不渝地显示出我们的献身。My beloved, We have to show our commitment always, and consistently.

改革开放是中国人民改变自己命运的战略抉择,也是中国人民矢志不渝的前进方向。Reform and opening up are the strategic choice of the Chinese people.

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他们或通过行动实现理想,或为自己的理想奉献终身,虽历经磨难也矢志不渝。Actions achieved or a long commitment to an ideal, often through hardship.

我们这一地区的贫困令人难以想象,但作为医生我矢志不渝。The need in our area is unimaginable, but my mission as a doctor is the same.

我们的爱,不剧烈,不炙热,可是任凭海啸飓风,也矢志不渝。Our love is not fierce, not hot, but despite the tsunami hurricane, also vowed.

因为正是这些梦想才会让你坚持不懈、矢志不渝地前行。For they're the ones that will get you to move diligently and persistently forward.

会记仇。有魅力。矢志不渝。钟爱投身于长久的两性关系。善谈。浪漫。Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic.

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意志,确定目标,紧握方向盘,造就矢志不渝之高尚精神。Will-powerful determined the drive to life'sdestination with unyielding and lofty human spirit.

一个矢志不渝追求现代化的中国,绝对不会把交流的大门关上的。To remain the pursuit of a modern China, absolutely not going to the big Men Guanshang the exchange.

唯有这矢志不渝的忠诚,才是我们人民军队不倒的旗、不断的根、不灭的魂!Only this commitment, loyalty is our people's army undeniable flag , continuously, not destroy souls!