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下辈子开始。Next life started.

“也许下辈子吧,”他说。“Maybe next life, ” he said.

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他想娶我?下辈子吧!He wants to marry me? No way.

假设我中彩票了,我下辈子就衣食无忧了。If I win the lottery, I will be set up for life.

如果你能,下辈子我依然爱你。If you can, the next gerneration I still love you.

下辈子我要做你的心脏,我不跳,你就必死无疑。I want to be your heart, I don't jump, you will die.

下辈子只是自己对自己的一种宽慰罢了。The next generation is only comforts to own one kind.

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只要你下辈子还是李宇春,那我还是玉米。Only if you are Chris next life, I will still be a corn.

你希望自己下辈子是一个咖啡杯。You want to come back as a coffee mug in your next life.

亲爱的,希望下辈子我也当你的爱人。My love , I want to be your lover in the next life , too.

这句话不对吧烧纸钱怎么是给他们下辈子用呢?The paper money is for the deceased to use in the afterlife.

下辈子如果我还记得你,我死都不和你在一起。If I still remember you in my next life, I will die without you.

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下辈子,我们的爱要像我们最爱的这首歌所唱的一样!Next life, our love will be as we love this song sung by the same!

小东、如果有下辈子、我一定要你做的的新郎。Xiao-Dong, if there is next life, I must want you to do the groom.

如果这辈子不能和你在一起,下辈子可以嫁给你吗?If you can not be with you in this life, next life could marry you?

下辈子,我会拥有一个好身体的,不会再让你家人反对我们的。Next life, I will have a good body, do not let your family against us.

缪下辈子我要做你的心脏,至少我不跳你就得死。My next life I want your heart, at least I do not jump you have to die.

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如果生命真有轮回,下辈子,我愿是一只天鹅。If there is reincarnation life, my next life, I would like to be a swan.

下辈子不知道能不能遇见,所以这辈子把最好的都给你。Next life do not know can not meet, so give you all the best in my life.

下辈子我要做你的心脏,至少我不跳你就得死。Next life I want to be your heart, at least I don't jump you have to die.