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博客看起来也开始达到饱和点。Blogging also has reached a saturation point, it appears.

你认为阿联酋市场接近饱和点?Do you think the UAE market is close to saturation point?

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你想进入的行业已经达到饱和点了。The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point.

光饱和点和表观量子需要量较高。The light saturation point and the apparent quantum requirement are higher.

还测定了光补偿点,光饱和点和CO2补偿点。Light compensation point, saturation point and CO2 compensation point were also determined.

也许,像许多团队一样,您已经达到饱和点,现在您有太多的测试,以至于不能说明。Maybe, like many teams, you have reached the point of saturation where you now have too many tests to account for.

“我们排放到海洋中的二氧化碳越多,饱和点就会越浅”马修斯说到。"The more man-made carbon dioxide we put into the ocean, the shallower those saturation points will become, " says Mathis.

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有一些国家,例如韩国,几乎所有人都会去上大学,大学入学率可能已经达到了饱和点。Some countries, such as South Korea, where pretty much everybody goes to university, have probably reached saturation point.

空气有露点的温度水蒸气在天空中到达饱和点并且凝聚形成露水。Air has a dew point, the temperature at which the water vapor in the air reaches the saturation point and condenses to form dew.

我认为,在美国快餐已达到饱和点,原因是竞争者的数目和店铺数目。I think in the United States fast food has reached a saturation point because of the number of competitors and the number of outlets.

仿真结果表明该方法能准确确定CT初始饱和点,不受电流暂态过程与谐波影响,能有效防止磁制动母线保护因CT二次负载变化引起的误。It also can protect the magnetic restraint busbar protection from mal-operation possibly caused by variation of the secondary load of CT.

变压器外部故障切除后,暂态磁通可能超过变压器铁心的饱和点,从而产生一定的恢复性涌流。After an external fault of transformer is cleared, the transient flux may enter into the saturation region, and a recovery inrush may be produced.

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体细胞融合再生植株在弱光下表现出比栽培稻8411更高的光合速率,并具有较高光饱和点。Compared with rice 8411, the regeneration plants showed higher photosynthetic rates under lower light intensity and higher light saturation point.

不久以前,美国还是拥有最大的互联网用户群,但是1.63亿人同时在线---或者超过总人口的一半,已经达到了他的饱和点。Until a few months ago America had most web users, but with 163m people online, or over half of its total population, it has reached saturation point.

判定普通硅酸盐水泥与混凝土外加剂相容性,单靠测定流动度,流动度经时损失,饱和点是不够的。Judging compatibility of common portland cement and concrete admixtures, it is not enough by mensurrating the fluxion degree, losing and saturation point.

我知道幽灵猎人是科幻频道的主打节目之一,但是增加第三季难道不会使得网络到达饱和点吗?I understand that Ghost Hunters is one of the SciFi Channel's hits, but isn't the network heading towards the point of saturation by adding a third series?

而且引种玉米叶片的光饱和点与光补偿点均增大,认为这是对高原环境强烈光照的一种适应。Furthermore, both light saturation and compensation point were higher in introduced maize, implying an adaptation to plateau environment of intense radiation.

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这表明,欧洲和美国对汽车的需求已经到达饱和点,而中国拥有巨大的成长空间并且将决定这一市场的未来。The implication is that where Europe and America have reached saturation points, China has tremendous room for growth and will dictate the future of the sector.

支持向量机预测精度比BP神经网络预测精度高,而且只需要少量样本数据就可以实现预测,很好的解决了木材纤维饱和点近区段含水率预测问题。SVM forecasting processes higher precision than the BP neural network, and can be realized with a few sample data, solving the MC prediction near lumber FSP problem.

用数值计算的方法研究了表面弹性能K13项对弱锚定向列液晶盒指向矢分布的影响,且指出饱和点处K13项的存在会影响到外磁场作用下液晶盒的饱和场强值和转变的性质。It is pointed that the existence of the K13 term may change the value of saturated magnetic field and the nature of the transition with an external magnetic field at saturated point.