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羽毛飘摇落地。The feather wavered to the floor.

大江旁,勃勃柳树在飘摇。By the river, willows grew bright.

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飘摇在半梦半醒的汪洋大海Into the living sea of waking dreams

在维吉尼亚,有19000个工作岗位在风雨中飘摇。In Virginia, 19, 000 jobs are at risk.

我是一面飘摇的旗子,我总想在风中找一个适当的点停下来。I am a pc of flag flying with the wind.

我们就像被夹在豆荚里的四颗豆子,飘摇不定。Rattling around like four peas in a pod.

随风飘摇红尘一笑,只为醉逍遥。Fluttering red smile, only for the drunk.

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我就大声叫喊着又将我头巾的竹布飘摇着。Icried aloud and waved the linen of my turban.

爱情是永恒的话题,所以我们第一期的乐海飘摇心情版就从爱情开始。Love is an eternal topic in our life, so we choose it for our new start.

逝去了的夏之曲,飘摇在秋间,寻求它旧日的巢。The music of the far-away summer flutters around autumn seeking its former nest.

逝去了的夏之曲,飘摇在秋间,寻求它旧日的巢。The music of the far-away summer flutters around the autumn seeking its former nest.

汉克左右看了看,跑去将雨披撑开挡在了一朵风雨中飘摇的娇弱的小花上面。Hank looked around, will go poncho distraction in a wind fluttering delicate flowers.

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处,终看不见你的样子,任凭一颗心,在思念里飘摇。Night Lanshan, you can not see the end of the way, despite a heart, the yearning in Piaoyao.

当自己的国家在全球金融风暴中飘摇时,冰岛人几乎不会坐以待毙。Icelanders are hardly sitting idle as their country is slammed by the global financial hurricane.

我们如烛光般闪烁的信仰在世俗掀起的飓风里飘摇欲灭。The world has a way of blowing relentless hurricane winds at our little flickering candles of faith.

闻着花香,看飘摇窗外摇曳的新枝,梦在自己的地方。Hearing a flower sweet, treat the new branch that sways outside shake window, the dream is in his place.

国家经济处于飘摇之中,伴随着失业和收入的下降,郊区居民的社会地位也正在快速下降。And their ranks are swelling fast, as jobs disappear and incomes decline amid the continued weak economy.

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葡萄树回答说,我岂肯止住使神和人喜乐的新酒,飘摇在众树之上呢?But the vine said to them, Am I to give up my wine, which makes glad God and men, to go waving over the trees?

汉克左右看了看,跑过去将雨披撑开来挡在了一朵风雨中飘摇的娇弱小花上面。Hank looked around, ran to open poncho to keep the wind and rain in a delicate flowers sway in the wind above.

但是衰退飘摇中的人们也感受到了一定程度的恐惧,更关心能否自力更生。But people also are feeling a level of fear and heightened interest in self-reliance as they weather the recession.