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我来说明事实。I state facts.

接受这个事实。Accept this fact.

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我了解事实情况。I know the facts.

听上去挺毛骨悚然的,但这的确是事实。Macabre but true.

说出你的事实。Speak your truth.

虽奇怪,但却是事实。Strange,but true.

补编事实。Supplement Facts.

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但事实并非如此。They don't do that.

事实真相是怎样的?What are the facts?

但是这个是事实。But these are facts.

这只是冷冰冰的事实。It’s the cold truth.

事实证明果然如此。That' s proving true.

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再次,这不符合事实。Again, this is untrue.

基于事实的治理。Fact-based governance.

这是明摆着的事实。It is an obvious fact.

这是一个无疑的事实。It is an absolute fact.

她揣度事实。She surmised the truth.

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把所有的事实全讲出来。Tell the complete truth.

他没有否认这些事实。He didn't deny the facts.

他甚至怀疑事实。He doubts even the facts.