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我可没有操持农事的本事。I couldn’t have managed farming.

但我们至少可以挽救农事。But at least we could save farming.

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他的大兄弟照管农事。His elder brother takes care of the farming.

我只知道这是一个源于农事历法的节日。I just know this festival is from Chinese lunar calendar.

亚当·斯密正在向我们炫耀卡卡西农事检测设备。Adam Smith is showing off Kakaxi's farm-monitoring device.

这些日子,伯德伍德的心思也集中不到农事上头。Boldwood could not concentrate on farming these days either.

一耕地丘形不适于农事工作或不利于灌溉、排水者。The arable land not suitable for farming, irrigation, and drainage.

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水田耘耥是水稻田间管理的一项重要农事活动,已有悠久的历史。Weeding, with a long history, is an important step of farming in the paddy field.

在农事系统中农民间非正式合作状况?What is the situation of informal cooperation between farmers in the farming system?

它可以通过修剪、嫁接等农事操作进行广泛传播。Viroids can be widely spreaded by pruning, grafting and other agricultural operations.

又在山地和佳美之地,有农夫和修理葡萄园的人,因为他喜悦农事。He had people working his fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile lands, for he loved the soil.

亚米希人主要是农民,而且尽管不使用现代农耕机械,他们还是把农事做得很好。The Amish are primarily farmers, and good ones, despite the fact that they do not use modern farm machinery.

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农作物的病虫草除害是农业生产中最普遍的一项农事活动。It is a common agricultural activity to perish the plant diseases and insect pests in the agricultural product.

那时候那个和尚已经经营一整个农场,他必须雇用很多农夫,因为有太多农事要做,而且他们一直在扩充、发展,农场已颇具规模了。And then he had a whole farm. He had to hire many farmers, because so many things grew, and they kept expanding.

清代新疆大兴屯田,农业发展卓有成效,农事诗就是这一情况在诗歌创作方面的反映。The agriculture of Xinjiang during Qing dynasty is flourishing, poets created lots of poems about agricultural affairs.

对于许多西方人来说,能经常接触到的农事就是在自家的花园里种点菜了。For many people in the western world, the closest they'll come to farming is planting a few vegetables in their gardens.

那天傍晚,华盛顿先生忙完农事,把马牵回马棚,然后来果园看他的樱桃树。That evening, President finishes his farm in Washington, led horses back sheds, and then to see the cherry tree orchard.

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农事活动对水文系统的干扰已成为水资源恶化的重要因素。It has become an important factor for water resource deterioration that hydrologic system is impacted by farming activities.

上古时期的农事与祭仪都有很严格的季节性,社会生活的外在表现为一幕幕与特定物候相对应的季节性仪式景观。Farm work and rites of remote antiquity were strictly seasonal, and social activities showed the features of corresponding seasonal rites.

说到农事,从总的方面看我对它含有敬意----我总在耕耘一个园子----是的,我早就准备好了种子。All that I could say, then, with respect to farming on a large scale — I have always cultivated a garden — was, that I had had my seeds ready.