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他们一直在推诿许多个星期。They've been prevaricating for many weeks.

他知道,推诿责任往往会自食其果。He learns that buck-passing acts as a boomerang.

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但如今他们的罪无可推诿了。Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin.

我们反对任何理由的拖延及推诿。We oppose any reason for the delay and prevarication.

假如双方互相推诿责任,你又能怎么办?If both sides is mutual buck-passing, how can you do again?

抱怨和推诿,其实是懦弱的自白。Complaints and buck-passing are the confession of cowardice.

最先被炒的往往就是这些对工作推诿的人。People who balk at this often end up at the top of a lay-off list.

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但事实是我们今天还在这里讨论这个问题,每个人都在那里互相推诿。But the fact that this discussion is here and “who said what” is good.

部门之间要加强协调配合,不能推诿扯皮。Between departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation, not buck-passing.

这种渎职行为如属一次偶犯尚可推诿于一时的冲动。One such instance of dishonesty might be argued to be the result of reckless impulse.

所以,对名利的态度应该是,不强求,也不推诿。Therefore, the right attitude to fame and wealth is not to importune and not to shuffle them.

这听起来好像这个国际宏观经济组织在推诿责任。This may sound like buck-passing by the world's main international macroeconomic organisation.

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值得称赞的是,加索尔没有推诿责任,而是承担了自己所有季后赛失利的责任。To his credit, Gasol doesn't duck from the Heat, accepting full responsibility for his off play.

但这排除了婚姻中人类的责任,而把过错推诿给了外部因素。But this removes accountability from people in a marriage and places the blame on external factors.

李剑开门见山找赵耀祖借粮,赵耀祖推诿,李剑说那只好巧取豪夺了。Keyboard begin looking for Zhao Yaozu borrow grain, Zhao Yaozu shuffle, keyboard said it had to steal.

只要投资项目运作失败,令纳税人的钱有去无回,必将导致互相指责推诿。It would lead to recriminations whenever the taxpayers' money was thrown away on enterprises that failed.

对于大选前的乱局,两人均相互推诿,将责任推给对方。They both have an incentive to blame each other for making a mess of things in the run-up to the elections.

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有时候,他会得到服务员的推诿,但是有时候服务员被他的个人魅力吸引,就会遵从他的要求。Often, the waitress would balk but Burrell was sometimes charming enough to eventually convince her to comply.

她推诿地笑着,对乔治说,“我从没听孩子们发出过噪音,只有欢乐的声音。”Smiling evasively, she tells George, "I never hear the noise children make just as long as it's a happy noise."

我们做事要完整到位,不找借口、不推诿、不扯皮,雷厉风行。We doing thing should be completed and reaching the very place, not make excuse, not shuffle, not wrangle, and decisive and rapid.