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国有化是众望所归。The nationalisations were expected.

他升任经理是众望所归.He is very to be promoted as the manager.

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本周二的团队决赛让他们成为众望所归。On Tuesday in the team finals, the team delivered.

一个名叫赫拉克利斯的人众望所归成为雅典领袖。One man, Heracles of Athens emerged as its undisputed leader.

中国运动员自是众望所归——我们不想错过这精彩的比赛。The Chinese men were heavily favored—we didn't want to miss it.

如果你是众望所归的英雄人物,现在就是证明的时候了。If you are the hero that you seem to be, now is the time to prove it.

北欧风情新家具,众望所归新享受。Nordic-style furniture meets the popular expectations of new enjoyment.

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要突破这样的瓶颈,燃料电池就成了众望所归。The fuel battery become one of way solves this cause in many customers mind.

加速开发建设黄河三角洲己成为众望所归、人心所向。The accelerated development of the Yellow River delta is the popular sentiment.

我们将会越来越多的看到这一点,因为这是全世界的众望所归。We will be seeing more and more of this because the world needs it desperately.

楼市退烧市场面临盘整房价变动是众望所归?Changes in the office property market is facing anti-fever favor with the market?

在麦卡特尼的设计下,Chloé众望所归地成为巴黎最热门的品牌。Under McCartney, Chloé came from nowhere to become one of the hottest labels in Paris.

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在北京举办第六届中国国际物流节,可谓顺应业界意愿,众望所归。The sixth China held in Beijing international logistics industry, it will, with the public.

从武打明星到现在好莱坞的热门武术指导,甄子丹的成功众望所归。From action star to now Hollywood's top action choreographer, Donnie Yen has come a long way!

因而,由陈国灿教授承担本书的编撰,自是众望所归。Thus, by Professor Chen Guocan undertake the compilation of this book, naturally be welcomed.

赛季初的时候,火箭是众望所归的西部决赛球队。The Rockets were a popular choice to make the Western Conference finals when the season began.

因此,最高法院、法院及法官是众望所归。Also, there is widespread public respect for the Supreme Court, and for courts and judges in general.

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可以说两国之间艺术上的合作也是众望所归。Cooperation between the two countries in the domain of fine art has also been greatly anticipated by many.

若他发现有一位候选人众望所归,他或会改为支持该名候选人。If he finds that there is a candidate who enjoys wide read su ort, he may give his backing to that candidate.

影园复建是园林界的大事,是众望所归之举。The reconstruction of Ying garden is a great event in the garden circle of China, and enjoys popular confidence.