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小母牛在牛栏里吼叫。A heifer bellowed in her stall.

后来,有了牛栏山酒厂。Later, had kraal mountain brewery.

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不一会儿,牛栏的门第三次打开了。Before long, the cowshed gate is opened three times.

我们能休息我们的牛栏和,你知道,休息我们的思惟。We can rest our bullpen and, you know, rest our minds.

在农场的牛栏里,十几头奶牛无精打采的站着。Inside the farmer's barn, a couple dozen cows stand listlessly in stalls.

是的,他从未在牛栏工作过。想尽快用计算机。Yeah, he never worked the barn. Wanted to do computers as soon as possible.

猎人们很快来到牛栏,询问是否有人看到这头鹿。Soon after the hunters came to the stable, and asked if anyone had seen the hart.

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已经有计划在圣莫里茨牛栏和博德加在西班牙北部。There are already plans for a cowshed in St Moritz and a bodega in northern Spain.

威尔伯的新家在谷仓的底层,就在牛栏的正下面。Wilbur's new home was in the lower part of the barn, directly underneath the cows.

斯蒂芬史密斯中校他们也建了一个不错的牛栏。Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Goldsmith has found they also make a good cattle corral.

你们网站上没有牛栏全水解2段,何时能上货?Holland at home, i can't find Nutrilon Pepti 2 on your website, when it can be available?

一只雄鹿被猎狗追赶得很急,跑进牛栏里,躲在一大堆干草里面,只有鹿角尖露在外面。A hart was being pursued by some dogs. It ran into an ox-stall, and hid itself in a truss of hay.

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我开了门,潜入邻居的牛栏,牵着牛绳就出了门。As I opened my neighbor's cattle pen to lead it out by its halter, a dog barked ferociously at me.

汤姆绕着那一排房子转过来,绕到靠他的姨妈的牛栏后面一条烂泥巷子里。Tom skirted the block, and came round into a muddy alley that led by the back of his aunt's cow stable.

我认为,我们的牛栏开始稍微磨损下来,而且我想在好的时间就要来的休息。I think our bullpen is starting to get a little worn down and I think the break's coming at a good time.

应将病牛放置在凉爽黑暗的牛栏中,给予新鲜的饮水和促进食欲的饲料。Affected cows should be kept in cool, darkened pens where fresh water and appetizing feed are readily available.

不久视野中便出现了一匹茶褐色的矮种马,一个姑娘骑在马背上,顺着经过牛栏的小路往山上走来。Soon there appeared in view an auburn pony with a girl on its back, ascending by the path leading past the cattleshed.

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北京地区酿酒历史最悠久,牛栏山地区的酿酒历史源远流长的企业,酿酒技艺成熟于清朝中期。Beijing brewing the oldest, kraal abrupt winemaking has a long history of enterprise, winemaking skills mature dynasty interim periods.

地衣芽孢杆菌的应用为提高牛栏山二锅头基酒质量提供了良好的途径。The use of Bacillus licheniformis in Erguotou base liquor production could effectively improve the quality of the produced base liquor.

在这一组家庭用的地块,因此定于一英亩,比其他组,以提供空间的牛栏和有关活动。Homestead plots in that cluster were thus set at one acre, twice as much as the other clusters, in order to provide space for a cowshed and the related activities.